Barney's Farm Crimea Blue Soil Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok, so remember on Day 20 when I didn't see the need to fertilize? Yeah, that was a bad idea. Starting the very next day I started showing deficiencies and by Day 24 growth stopped and we were very yellow and droopy. I brewed another vermicompost tea and added Pure Blend Pro and Hygrozyme. This time I also added Liquid Karma at a rate of 1 tsp/gallon. The plants loved it and almost doubled in size in 2 days. They're still a little yellow down low but growing well.

The pots were light again today so I gave them a good watering. 1 1/3 Tbsp Pure Blend Pro, 2 tsp Liquid Karma and 1 Tbsp Hygrozyme per gallon. Each plant received 1 3/4 cups of solution and about 1/3 cup drained out each pot. This should be the last week they spend in these pots as I'll be transplanting soon into bigger pots.




Well-Known Member
looks good man.... those bitches are demanding! give me nutes damn it!! ha haa! they grow fast & ya gotta keep up with em'!


Well-Known Member
looks good man.... those bitches are demanding! give me nutes damn it!! ha haa! they grow fast & ya gotta keep up with em'!
Yeah, I'm definitely noticing that! I've been afraid of burning them but they're really sucking up everything I feed them. I'm just about at Botanicare's recommended dosage!


Well-Known Member
For some reason I was thinking you had feminized seeds. I bought the fem 5 pk from The Attitude. I started flowering about 62 days from seed, I needed them to get big enough to take clones from before flowering. Remember what I told ya, they take a little longer to root than other strains. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I started flowering about 62 days from seed, I needed them to get big enough to take clones from before flowering. Remember what I told ya, they take a little longer to root than other strains. :leaf:
I'll keep that in mind. I've never cloned before so I'll just be patient and start when I feel it's right. This is my first grow with good, known genetics so I'm in no rush. Did you top yours at all before taking clones? I'm thinking of leaving mine as I have limited horizontal space but plenty of vertical.


Well-Known Member
I took clones before I fimmed. I probably should have fimmed first but it's all good. I did'nt know one still has to Top, even after fimming. Mine has 6 tops, my Trainwreck has 8. On my next grow of 3 Crimea Blue I am not going to Fim or Top, just going to let them do their thang. Just some minimal pruning, which works out great.


Well-Known Member
I took clones before I fimmed. I probably should have fimmed first but it's all good. I did'nt know one still has to Top, even after fimming. Mine has 6 tops, my Trainwreck has 8. On my next grow of 3 Crimea Blue I am not going to Fim or Top, just going to let them do their thang. Just some minimal pruning, which works out great.
Good to know. I'll leave the Crimea Blue alone for this grow (minimal pruning aside) and when I select a mother I'll top that.


Well-Known Member
I fimmed because my space is about 6'. I had also tried unsuccesfully in the past. The Trainwreck I would definitly have to fim or top again, the Crimea Blue don't grow that tall so I should be good. I think. I want 1 BIG COLA ya know!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ZTF, That last set of pics kinda looks like they might have the droopy over watering look. Hurry with the bigger containers, they need it. I always start with 1/4 the recommended nutes and bump it up 1/4 a week until I notice any resistance. I am not in soil though and see the results rather quickly. Keep up the good work bro! They are looking good. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, lost my internet connection for a couple weeks. The Crimea Blue is still doing great. Will post updates soon!!!


Well-Known Member
Forgive me father, it's been 3 weeks since my last confession. :fire:

Well, 53 days veg and looking good. I identified all pre-flowers today. The tally: 5 females, 4 males. So out of the 10 Crimea Blue seeds I started with(one was culled after about 2 weeks), I got half female! Not too shabby.

I've been letting them droop quite a bit before watering them. At one point I thought I almost killed them! It's amazing how fast they spring back after a watering. I'm talking half dead to shooting straight out in a matter of an hour or two!!! I've been feeding them the Pure Blend Pro Grow, Liquid Karma, Hygrozyme and occasionally a little molasses for good measure.

I'm hoping to start flowering this weekend but it all depends on when I can take clones.

This one is supposed to show a female preflower but my camera sucks!



Well-Known Member
hey it takes my pots half a gallon to water them so i should give each half the amount they say to pour into a galon right? im high as fuck and im sure thats what to do but better to be safe then sorry ive seen some nasty overdosed plants and i really dont want that to happen. im using pureblend pro also but bloom. think it was 30ml per gal.