Heisenbeans Genetics

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You're doing his website design arent you??? If so. Looks tits so far. I registered. But I didnt use my real name. Be kinda cool if you would make that optional. I had to enter something to register. So I jus put whyte. For a name. Bc it wouldnt let me submit it, without something in it. Not everyone who registers wants heisen or you to know our real name. I know you can put whatever. But jus be quicker if it was optional. Not trying to tell you how to do it. Bc I'm not a web guy. Just my basic 2 peso opinion. Lol.
You can use Donald Trump as the name if you want to but its for ordering info,SO whatever name u use is the name ill have to put on the envelope.The security on the website has been the nymber one priority.Me nor anyone else care who you are i can assure you of that.Its for ordering info and is done the same way as you order from any other seed bank.
I CAN PROMISE you the security on this website will be better than any other one because we also have to protect ourselves not just you.
This is the biggest reason i selected Michael because he is a fellow grower and not just some random web guy that will sell off everypones info.We hold your security at the highest standards point blank.
You can use Donald Trump as the name if you want to but its for ordering info,SO whatever name u use is the name ill have to put on the envelope.The security on the website has been the nymber one priority.Me nor anyone else care who you are i can assure you of that.Its for ordering info and is done the same way as you order from any other seed bank.
I CAN PROMISE you the security on this website will be better than any other one because we also have to protect ourselves not just you.
This is the biggest reason i selected Michael because he is a fellow grower and not just some random web guy that will sell off everypones info.We hold your security at the highest standards point blank.
Our shit is pretty tight, I try not to play around. Nothing is 100% secure, but I follow best practices at the least. More importantly we aren’t willingly leaking data to google, facebook, amazon, apple, or any external agency. All internet traffic to the site is TLS encrypted. The data is stored on a separate compute instance that is only accessible via private IP and exclusively whitelisted to the private IP of the application server...I could go on. Those are just the basics, but yeah, I give a rip. I also intend for any site I build to be GDPR compliant, which is an European Union law that basically says you have a right to see and manage your personal data, and you have the right to be forgotten, which means we must delete your data. I support it personally and professionally. The website is not quite there yet, but if you want us to delete your stuff? Just ask and it shall be done immediately.

Thanks for giving me props, Hesien.
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Our shit is pretty tight, I try not to play around. Nothing is 100% secure, but I follow best practices at the least. More importantly we aren’t willingly leaking data to google, facebook, amazon, apple, or any external agency. All internet traffic to the site is TLS encrypted. The data is stored on a separate compute instance that is only accessible via private IP and exclusively whitelisted to the private IP of the application server...I could go on. Those are just the basics, but yeah, I give a rip. I also intend for any site I build to be GDPR compliant, which is an European Union law that basically says you have a right to see and manage your personal data, and you have the right to be forgotten, which means we must delete your data. I support it personally and professionally. The website site is not there yet, but if you want us to delete your stuff? Just ask and it shall be done immediately.

Thanks for giving me props, Hesien.

You deserve it brother.. you work hard and have an ethical compass. Might not be a lot of sugar coating with you and Heisen but you guys are both straight shooters in my book. Keep it up! :clap:
You can use Donald Trump as the name if you want to but its for ordering info,SO whatever name u use is the name ill have to put on the envelope.The security on the website has been the nymber one priority.Me nor anyone else care who you are i can assure you of that.Its for ordering info and is done the same way as you order from any other seed bank.
I CAN PROMISE you the security on this website will be better than any other one because we also have to protect ourselves not just you.
This is the biggest reason i selected Michael because he is a fellow grower and not just some random web guy that will sell off everypones info.We hold your security at the highest standards point blank.

Yeah I wasn't meaning your shit wasnt secure. Just some people like remain completely anonymous. It's not a big deal. Was jus thinkn ig you setup a forum for grows kinda GPS has. People may only register to be on that part of the site and never order. So making it optional was jus an idea.btw I think you should put a forum for your test grows and strain grows. I'd be down with that.bc sometime riu gets off topic on threads. And people post other strains in different threads. Just be alot easier to find info and grows of your strains if you had your own forum for them on your site. Just another 2 peso idea
You're doing his website design arent you??? If so. Looks tits so far. I registered. But I didnt use my real name. Be kinda cool if you would make that optional. I had to enter something to register. So I jus put whyte. For a name. Bc it wouldnt let me submit it, without something in it. Not everyone who registers wants heisen or you to know our real name. I know you can put whatever. But jus be quicker if it was optional. Not trying to tell you how to do it. Bc I'm not a web guy. Just my basic 2 peso opinion. Lol.
Sorry, had you on ignore, no hate, I put Heisen on ignore for weeks too, lol.
Use initials and bullshit like Jr. Esq. Dr. whatever, for the name portion, it is pretty permissive with allowing weird characters but has a minimum length.
Yeah I wasn't meaning your shit wasnt secure. Just some people like remain completely anonymous. It's not a big deal. Was jus thinkn ig you setup a forum for grows kinda GPS has. People may only register to be on that part of the site and never order. So making it optional was jus an idea.btw I think you should put a forum for your test grows and strain grows. I'd be down with that.bc sometime riu gets off topic on threads. And people post other strains in different threads. Just be alot easier to find info and grows of your strains if you had your own forum for them on your site. Just another 2 peso idea
That's all.on the web guy and how much it's gonna cost me lol.im sure we can in the future when the big drop testers go out and start getting some money back to put into this.
Yeah I wasn't meaning your shit wasnt secure. Just some people like remain completely anonymous. It's not a big deal. Was jus thinkn ig you setup a forum for grows kinda GPS has. People may only register to be on that part of the site and never order. So making it optional was jus an idea.btw I think you should put a forum for your test grows and strain grows. I'd be down with that.bc sometime riu gets off topic on threads. And people post other strains in different threads. Just be alot easier to find info and grows of your strains if you had your own forum for them on your site. Just another 2 peso idea
The reason we need an email is so we can correspond with people and verify they aren’t bots. Bots are pervasive and nasty. I will consider how to anonymize grow journals, I have spent years thinking on that idea (how to sanely manage anonymous user content) already and have some theoretical approaches to consider that I have never personally implemented but have sort of been done in places like 4chan.org and similar.

I could omit the name, but you could use whytewidow for that and save us the trouble of looking at your journals.
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The reason we need an email is so we can correspond with people and verify they aren’t bots. Bots are pervasive and nasty. I will consider how to anonymize grow journals, I have spent years thinking on that idea (how to sanely manage anonymous user content) already and have some theoretical approaches to consider that I have never personally implemented but have sort of been done in places like 4chan.org and similar.

I could omit the name, but you could use whytewidow for that and save us the trouble of looking at your journals.

Yeah I didnt mean the email. Just the name part when you register. I had to enter something in the name slot. Instead of just leaving it blank. But I understand you need something for mailing and contact purposes. It's not really that big of deal. I just thought of it when I registered. When I hit submit or whatever it wouldnt let it go through. So I had to enter something. You know what I mean. Like when you fill info for auto loan online or whatever. Fields with an * have to completed. Ones without are optional. Its definitely not a deal breaker or anything. Just simple stoner thought.
Yeah I didnt mean the email. Just the name part when you register. I had to enter something in the name slot. Instead of just leaving it blank. But I understand you need something for mailing and contact purposes. It's not really that big of deal. I just thought of it when I registered. When I hit submit or whatever it wouldnt let it go through. So I had to enter something. You know what I mean. Like when you fill info for auto loan online or whatever. Fields with an * have to completed. Ones without are optional. Its definitely not a deal breaker or anything. Just simple stoner thought.
Sometimes I leave the name field out, or make it optional, I could easily do either thing. Will ask the boss.
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