How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Why do you always appeal to a moralized notion of coercion? Can you make an argument for a better solution in this circumstance?

Yup, yup, yup. (but not worth pursuing here, unless we get really bored)

I often appeal to a moralized notion of coercion, because truth is important. Yes, I can make an argument for a better solution. Human interactions should begin and proceed on a mutual and voluntary basis .

If you don't agree with that, you are arguing for theft, slavery and fraud and inequality of self determination. Those aren't very good things to be arguing for, are they ?
Yup, yup, yup. (but not worth pursuing here, unless we get really bored)

I often appeal to a moralized notion of coercion, because truth is important. Yes, I can make an argument for a better solution. Human interactions should begin and proceed on a mutual and voluntary basis .

If you don't agree with that, you are arguing for theft, slavery and fraud and inequality of self determination. Those aren't very good things to be arguing for, are they ?

Before regulation of business, industry did not exactly serve as an enlightened force in society. Without those regulations, businesses would basically be allowed to overcharge (steal from you), and turn you into a slave that is dependent on their interactions. Why don't you support equal rights ? Do you believe corporations are people?
Before regulation of business, industry did not exactly serve as an enlightened force in society. Without those regulations, businesses would basically be allowed to overcharge (steal from you), and turn you into a slave that is dependent on their interactions. Why don't you support equal rights ? Do you believe corporations are people?

I don't think you know how a free market uses customer feedback as a regulating mechanism. Most people don't and confuse "capitalism" with a free market. Customer feedback is important, when you remove choice, you end up with something clusterfucky, monopolistic and coercion government, which is systemically immune from customer feedback while in power.

I do support equal rights. I don't support what you (probably) think of as "equal rights" . I don't have any right to impose my will on others if they are peaceful or neutral nor should I disposition their justly acquired property without their permission. Nobody does. Logically that is the sum of how equal rights operates. Anything less and you aren't "for equal rights", you're for an imposed hierarchy and unequal rights.

I think people are people and corporations are just people seeking to hide from personal responsibility. Similar structure as government, which immunizes judges, cops, and all the rest of the controlling douche bags you perceive to have authority over you. They're only people, capitalizing on your indoctrination to make you do things you wouldn't do if we had a free society.
they were not on the ark, because the story of noah's ark is bullshit mythology

They hide pretty well. Are you sure they weren't sneaking into the women's quarters at night and banging Noah's daughters?

Cuz if they weren't humans today are some inbred mofo's, just saying.
Unlike you, mpost people have to work to earn a living and can't sit around at every waking moment of their pathetic existrence staring at a PC screen. I will address your bullshit when I have time to wipe my ass. Not any sooner. Thanks.

If you eat more cheese, you'll use less toilet paper. Just saying.
I don't think you know how a free market uses customer feedback as a regulating mechanism. Most people don't and confuse "capitalism" with a free market. Customer feedback is important, when you remove choice, you end up with something clusterfucky, monopolistic and coercion government, which is systemically immune from customer feedback while in power.

I do support equal rights. I don't support what you (probably) think of as "equal rights" . I don't have any right to impose my will on others if they are peaceful or neutral nor should I disposition their justly acquired property without their permission. Nobody does. Logically that is the sum of how equal rights operates. Anything less and you aren't "for equal rights", you're for an imposed hierarchy and unequal rights.

I think people are people and corporations are just people seeking to hide from personal responsibility. Similar structure as government, which immunizes judges, cops, and all the rest of the controlling douche bags you perceive to have authority over you. They're only people, capitalizing on your indoctrination to make you do things you wouldn't do if we had a free society.
Oh right. You.