What’s the longest you’ve vegged for?


Well-Known Member
Well let me hear it!!

Since the biggest I’ve grown in the past was out of a 2x4x6 tent, I vegged for 10 weeks and my plants were 28 inches tall before flower! If I had a 5x5x8 I would have gone another month!!

So let’s hear who’s had the biggest bitch around!!


Well-Known Member
Like now in winter about a month to a month and a half thats between 3 feet and 5 feet tall

summer time I like to run a sativa batch that may go 4-6 months or 8-9 feet tall

if my kiddie pool don't get stolen again

good luck


Well-Known Member
Indoor the longest I've vegged is 8 weeks. Indica dominant hybrids, about 3 feet tall when i flipped them and a bit under 6 feet tall at harvest. Outdoors there was no specific veg time... i just got them in the ground as early as i could.


Well-Known Member
Indoor the longest I've vegged is 8 weeks. Indica dominant hybrids, about 3 feet tall when i flipped them and a bit under 6 feet tall at harvest. Outdoors there was no specific veg time... i just got them in the ground as early as i could.
I do all vegging outdoors and flower only indoors.


Well-Known Member
When i was like 16, a very long time ago. I grew a very rootbound WW in a 7 gal on a record player spinning (lmao) for probably 10 months id assume. Just in the middle of my room on a table i topped the living shit out of it and tied it down, and just fucked with it alot, never got arou d to flowering it me and my friends used to all smoke bongs around it on the table as it span. Oh the good old days lol.