Heisenbeans Genetics

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Beat getting sick.
Suboxone is a blessing but even that is stronger than H, and very hard to kick .
There are organic options with kratom ibogene. Much easier to week off of .
All bad fucking news.
Wish they could ban the shit. Big pharma is Satan on Earth.
yea, no, they view and use it just like oxy's. its for the buzz, its not for taking the edge off, so to speak. Having said that, the local head shop lady swears by kratom, its my understanding in small doses its a stimulant and in larger doses like an opiate. But she does swear many are using it to get off the H or pills.
yea, no, they view and use it just like oxy's. its for the buzz, its not for taking the edge off, so to speak. Having said that, the local head shop lady swears by kratom, its my understanding in small doses its a stimulant and in larger doses like an opiate. But she does swear many are using it to get off the H or pills.

I was clean from opiates for over 2 years before I ever tried kratom. I use it a few times a week for my back pain.. also helps with anxiety. Ive heard of people abusing it, but personally it works better than any anxiety/depression medication imo

no not all of it is coming from south american. I hear many soldiers coming back from affieland can get it back the good pure shit. Still not sure why they would cut already good stuff with fentanyl, but crazier things have happened. I hear a lot more bout pills then heroin, albeit they are bangin em too.


"The 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment found that Mexican cartels expanded their market share in the U.S. to nearly 80% in 2014, pushing out South American and Southwest Asian producers.4 In 2015, 93% of the heroin the DEA seized and analyzed came from Mexico.3"
I was clean from opiates for over 2 years before I ever tried kratom. I use it a few times a week for my back pain.. also helps with anxiety. Ive heard of people abusing it, but personally it works better than any anxiety/depression medication imo
Did it help with back pain. I fractured two vertebrae last March. I used herb to help with my pain. They prescribed me perc 15s. I didnt get them filled. But now that I'm back working and moving alot. By evening time im pretty sore on my lower back. And I dont like eating tylenol like crazy bc itd bac for your kidneys and Liver. Was gonna try kratom to see if it helped with my back pain. I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life.
Did it help with back pain. I fractured two vertebrae last March. I used herb to help with my pain. They prescribed me perc 15s. I didnt get them filled. But now that I'm back working and moving alot. By evening time im pretty sore on my lower back. And I dont like eating tylenol like crazy bc itd bac for your kidneys and Liver. Was gonna try kratom to see if it helped with my back pain. I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life.

Absolutely helps brother
Fuck heroin and fuck doctors that prescribe narcos for minor things. My buddy's dentist prescribed him a month worth of hydrocodine for a fucking root canal, my dentist told me to take an advil. We should give prison time to drug reps and doctors for the epidemic theyve plagued us with...
I had my tonsils removed in my 40s (totally sucked for real) and my doctor prescribed a bucket of vicodin.
Friends told me they were "the good ones" but I have no idea. Something about opiate to NSAID ratio in the pills?
Good thing I've never really liked pain killers.
They're great when you're actually in pain, but they make my stool EXTRA chunky so I'll pass... :shock:
I was clean from opiates for over 2 years before I ever tried kratom. I use it a few times a week for my back pain.. also helps with anxiety. Ive heard of people abusing it, but personally it works better than any anxiety/depression medication imo


"The 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment found that Mexican cartels expanded their market share in the U.S. to nearly 80% in 2014, pushing out South American and Southwest Asian producers.4 In 2015, 93% of the heroin the DEA seized and analyzed came from Mexico.3"

Heroin, in its purest form, is a fine, white powder, but may also have a very slight yellow tint to it. However, pure heroin can be nearly impossible to come by and also astronomically expensive. Drug manufacturers usually “cut” the pure heroin with other substances. What it’s cut with and the process by which it’s diluted will determine the color. Over 90% of the world’s heroin comes from Afghanistan. Yet, ironically, only 4% of the heroin distributed in the United States is from Afghanistan. South America and Mexico are the other big players in the production of heroin, and most of the heroin in the U.S. comes from Mexico. Typically, the heroin you find west of Mississippi is referred to as black tar heroin, mainly because of it’s color. The imperfect way it is processed in Mexico causes it to turn black.

Heroin, in its purest form, is a fine, white powder, but may also have a very slight yellow tint to it. However, pure heroin can be nearly impossible to come by and also astronomically expensive. Drug manufacturers usually “cut” the pure heroin with other substances. What it’s cut with and the process by which it’s diluted will determine the color. Over 90% of the world’s heroin comes from Afghanistan. Yet, ironically, only 4% of the heroin distributed in the United States is from Afghanistan. South America and Mexico are the other big players in the production of heroin, and most of the heroin in the U.S. comes from Mexico. Typically, the heroin you find west of Mississippi is referred to as black tar heroin, mainly because of it’s color. The imperfect way it is processed in Mexico causes it to turn black.
And people shoot it straight into their veins?
OMG! :spew:
(I hate needles, always have & you couldn't pay me to get a tattoo.)
Heroin, in its purest form, is a fine, white powder, but may also have a very slight yellow tint to it. However, pure heroin can be nearly impossible to come by and also astronomically expensive. Drug manufacturers usually “cut” the pure heroin with other substances. What it’s cut with and the process by which it’s diluted will determine the color. Over 90% of the world’s heroin comes from Afghanistan. Yet, ironically, only 4% of the heroin distributed in the United States is from Afghanistan. South America and Mexico are the other big players in the production of heroin, and most of the heroin in the U.S. comes from Mexico. Typically, the heroin you find west of Mississippi is referred to as black tar heroin, mainly because of it’s color. The imperfect way it is processed in Mexico causes it to turn black.

Ya.. The past 15-20 years or so the Colombians have been producing tan powder that's as pure as anything else, and much cheaper..

But for real.. FUCK HEROIN!! FUCK OPIATES!! shit has killed/ruined many "strong" people
Heroin, in its purest form, is a fine, white powder, but may also have a very slight yellow tint to it. However, pure heroin can be nearly impossible to come by and also astronomically expensive. Drug manufacturers usually “cut” the pure heroin with other substances. What it’s cut with and the process by which it’s diluted will determine the color. Over 90% of the world’s heroin comes from Afghanistan. Yet, ironically, only 4% of the heroin distributed in the United States is from Afghanistan. South America and Mexico are the other big players in the production of heroin, and most of the heroin in the U.S. comes from Mexico. Typically, the heroin you find west of Mississippi is referred to as black tar heroin, mainly because of it’s color. The imperfect way it is processed in Mexico causes it to turn black.

Black tar Ron is like a substance similar to resin kinda and wouldn’t say west of Mississippi it was the choice before chyna white hit the seen and no longer had to “shoot” up to get that quality high because you were able to snort chyna white with high purity compared to dog food
Ya.. The past 15-20 years or so the Colombians have been producing tan powder that's as pure as anything else, and much cheaper..

But for real.. FUCK HEROIN!! FUCK OPIATES!! shit has killed/ruined many "strong" people
I'd agree with that, but like the article mentioned above. how do you think 90% of the worlds heroin in Afghanistan is getting to south america? I'll give ya three guesses and the first two don't count and its not the cartels, lmfao, although that's great propaganda. They might be the ones breaking it down in the super labs and getting it here, but dollars to donuts, someone, hint, hint is helping them get it to south america. Now who is in afghanistan, still fighting an unwinnable war, and can get it to South America by boat or plane? just sayin', but I agree with ya, humans are too succeptable to the feel good. Drinkin on Hydros, goin to the bar. Snortin oxys at the kitchen table, noddin off. Hell of a good time. NOT!
I'd agree with that, but like the article mentioned above. how do you think 90% of the worlds heroin in Afghanistan is getting to south america? I'll give ya three guesses and the first two don't count and its not the cartels, lmfao, although that's great propaganda. They might be the ones breaking it down in the super labs and getting it here, but dollars to donuts, someone, hint, hint is helping them get it to south america. Now who is in afghanistan, still fighting an unwinnable war, and can get it to South America by boat or plane? just sayin', but I agree with ya, humans are too succeptable to the feel good. Drinkin on Hydros, goin to the bar. Snortin oxys at the kitchen table, noddin off. Hell of a good time. NOT!

The Afghan dope isnt going to SA. They are producing it themselves now. The Afghan stuff goes to the rest of the world

"only 4% of the heroin distributed in the United States is from Afghanistan."
I'd agree with that, but like the article mentioned above. how do you think 90% of the worlds heroin in Afghanistan is getting to south america? I'll give ya three guesses and the first two don't count and its not the cartels, lmfao, although that's great propaganda. They might be the ones breaking it down in the super labs and getting it here, but dollars to donuts, someone, hint, hint is helping them get it to south america. Now who is in afghanistan, still fighting an unwinnable war, and can get it to South America by boat or plane? just sayin', but I agree with ya, humans are too succeptable to the feel good. Drinkin on Hydros, goin to the bar. Snortin oxys at the kitchen table, noddin off. Hell of a good time. NOT!
Yea I agree we are not there to help make it a better place hell they don’t even worry about their own country why worry about one that’s across the world? Dollars that’s why as you said export it and have someone move it in and take all the heat smart
Ya.. The past 15-20 years or so the Colombians have been producing tan powder that's as pure as anything else, and much cheaper..

But for real.. FUCK HEROIN!! FUCK OPIATES!! shit has killed/ruined many "strong" people
I blame a lot of this opiate epidemic to cannabis being illegal. Most could have been treated with cannabis instead of opiates. We would bust out a "P" test at work if we had weed in our system, but opiates was fine if you had a prescription. Fucked up system we have in the US.
I think opiate addiction went down 6% in Colorado. We need more %! You got to show them it is a better and safer alternative.
90 percent of the worlds heroin supply comes from afghanistan, they get it to south america and then they claim it as their own after its processed. And its gettin there party by the military in my opinion. Just like the other 4% from affieland. Its a money maker for all involved, lol, always been the reason for it. DId you see the news today of the Ronald Reagan naval ship LSD distribution ring? Don't kid yourself on what's goin on.
90 percent of the worlds heroin supply comes from afghanistan, they get it to south america and then they claim it as their own after its processed. And its gettin there party by the military in my opinion. Just like the other 4% from affieland. Its a money maker for all involved, lol, always been the reason for it. DId you see the news today of the Ronald Reagan naval ship LSD distribution ring? Don't kid yourself on what's goin on.

"The 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment found that Mexican cartels expanded their market share in the U.S. to nearly 80% in 2014, pushing out South American and Southwest Asian producers.4 In 2015, 93% of the heroin the DEA seized and analyzed came from Mexico.3"

They're not claiming it as their own.. They are producing it and selling it cheap. It costs money to ship the shit over.. Since they're able to sell it so cheap the dealers arent having to step on it so the street product is much more pure.

I blame a lot of this opiate epidemic to cannabis being illegal. Most could have been treated with cannabis instead of opiates. We would bust out a "P" test at work if we had weed in our system, but opiates was fine if you had a prescription. Fucked up system we have in the US.
I think opiate addiction went down 6% in Colorado. We need more %! You got to show them it is a better and safer alternative.

That and the doctors were over prescribing. They are cutting that shit out around me.. databases and shit to keep the doctor shopping to a minimum.
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