Heisenbeans Genetics

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Lol only 5 in 1 week. Let this sink in. We had 72 ods in 24hrs.

Edit: I think it was 72. It's so bad here. We have a Netflix special about it. Well two specials now.
Deaths? Or OD's. Everyone is carrying Narcan with them. It's bad everywhere. You go to ER and they suspect you are intoxicated, you are hit with Narcan. I live in the country, and 5 deaths was pretty alarming.
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Speaking on drug testing... one of the largest casino companies has recently been discussing dropping marijuana from their drug tests. They are having such a hard time finding people who can pass for MJ it has become a real issue.

I was out in vegas in late august and pot was everywhere, one of our uber drivers told us there was close to 50 dispensary's in the county. Not supposed to smoke in public, but that wasn't slowing anyone down on the strip and vapes were everywhere inside the casinos.
I was out in vegas in late august and pot was everywhere, one of our uber drivers told us there was close to 50 dispensary's in the county. Not supposed to smoke in public, but that wasn't slowing anyone down on the strip and vapes were everywhere inside the casinos.
That's where Subcool is now.
Subcool posted a month or so ago on IG, saying he's starting a biz in AZ and had a house he had emptied the in ground pool and was using it to grow his new strain or strains in. He's being vague on where he lives
You are in the heart of the epidemic
it's everywhere... and only spreading. doctors were at one point receiving bonuses for giving out opioids- even for minor things. my sister had very minor surgery last year, something that didn't need pain killers- when she said she didn't want them, the doctor kept pushing and pushing, and eventually became visibly hostile. once people get hooked, they are easy pickins for the harder dealers- I've known several dealers that will give out free samples of heroin to people looking for pills- they know that once people have had a taste, they'll be back, and eventually will sell anything and everything to get a fix. meth in many ways is even worse, it's not as addictive, but it turns people into fuckin serial killers (as well as make you lose your teeth and hair and get weird skin wounds that don't heal)- ... I don't think narcan is an answer- I had a girlfriend that got hooked and died from a heroin od- narcan may have saved her, but honestly she would have just gone right back to it... in a way it's a safety net for addicts, and they know it.
We have one doctor within 100 miles of my house. The town his pharmacy is in has on average 5500 people. His doctors office is in his house legit his house. But he also owns the pharmacy. He has prescribed over 1.1 million percs.
Deaths? Or OD's. Everyone is carrying Narcan with them. It's bad everywhere. You go to ER and they suspect you are intoxicated, you are hit with Narcan. I live in the country, and 5 deaths was pretty alarming.
I think it was 72 overdoses with 47 deaths total. Our cops, firemen, and ambulance workers all carry narcan on their person here. Every single ones of our cops added another holster for pepper spray. Except it's a quick jab narcan that's injected like an epipen.
it's everywhere... and only spreading. doctors were at one point receiving bonuses for giving out opioids- even for minor things. my sister had very minor surgery last year, something that didn't need pain killers- when she said she didn't want them, the doctor kept pushing and pushing, and eventually became visibly hostile. once people get hooked, they are easy pickins for the harder dealers- I've known several dealers that will give out free samples of heroin to people looking for pills- they know that once people have had a taste, they'll be back, and eventually will sell anything and everything to get a fix. meth in many ways is even worse, it's not as addictive, but it turns people into fuckin serial killers (as well as make you lose your teeth and hair and get weird skin wounds that don't heal)- ... I don't think narcan is an answer- I had a girlfriend that got hooked and died from a heroin od- narcan may have saved her, but honestly she would have just gone right back to it... in a way it's a safety net for addicts, and they know it.

no offense but there is a whole lotta stupid in this comment..

I think it was 72 overdoses with 47 deaths total. Our cops, firemen, and ambulance workers all carry narcan on their person here. Every single ones of our cops added another holster for pepper spray. Except it's a quick jab narcan that's injected like an epipen.

They got smelling salt ones around my area.. just crack em and put them under the persons nose
it's everywhere... and only spreading. doctors were at one point receiving bonuses for giving out opioids- even for minor things. my sister had very minor surgery last year, something that didn't need pain killers- when she said she didn't want them, the doctor kept pushing and pushing, and eventually became visibly hostile. once people get hooked, they are easy pickins for the harder dealers- I've known several dealers that will give out free samples of heroin to people looking for pills- they know that once people have had a taste, they'll be back, and eventually will sell anything and everything to get a fix. meth in many ways is even worse, it's not as addictive, but it turns people into fuckin serial killers (as well as make you lose your teeth and hair and get weird skin wounds that don't heal)- ... I don't think narcan is an answer- I had a girlfriend that got hooked and died from a heroin od- narcan may have saved her, but honestly she would have just gone right back to it... in a way it's a safety net for addicts, and they know it.
You have to go back before 9/11. When the military went afghanistan , the military took over the "poppy" fields. The Taliban were actually burning the fields before. Look up Pat Tillman.By that time, everyone was already hooked on opiates,from Drs prescribing massive amounts in the 90's. They had a "bumper" crop this year I read. It's a "supply and demand" thing. $$$
no offense but there is a whole lotta stupid in this comment..

They got smelling salt ones around my area.. just crack em and put them under the persons nose
what makes you say that? I've lived this stuff- I like you cherrypie, but in this case I don't think you know what you are talking about.
You have to go back before 9/11. When the military went afghanistan , the military took over the "poppy" fields. The Taliban were actually burning the fields before. Look up Pat Tillman.By that time, everyone was already hooked on opiates,from Drs prescribing massive amounts in the 90's. They had a "bumper" crop this year I read. It's a "supply and demand" thing. $$$

Majority of the Afghan dope goes to other markets.. South America has pretty much cornered the US market. They were able to give a purer product for a cheaper price.. similar thing to when they started producing meth in breaking bad type super labs

what makes you say that? I've lived this stuff- I like you cherrypie, but in this case I don't think you know what you are talking about.

bro.. Ive lost many, many ppl to dope.. used to be a junky before I quit cold turkey a few years back.. that crack about the narcan safety net.. idk man. I suppose they could just order more body bags
what makes you say that? I've lived this stuff- I like you cherrypie, but in this case I don't think you know what you are talking about.

bro.. Ive lost many, many ppl to dope.. used to be a junky before I quit cold turkey a few years back.. that crack about the narcan safety net.. idk man. I suppose they could just order more body bags
it's everywhere... and only spreading. doctors were at one point receiving bonuses for giving out opioids- even for minor things. my sister had very minor surgery last year, something that didn't need pain killers- when she said she didn't want them, the doctor kept pushing and pushing, and eventually became visibly hostile. once people get hooked, they are easy pickins for the harder dealers- I've known several dealers that will give out free samples of heroin to people looking for pills- they know that once people have had a taste, they'll be back, and eventually will sell anything and everything to get a fix. meth in many ways is even worse, it's not as addictive, but it turns people into fuckin serial killers (as well as make you lose your teeth and hair and get weird skin wounds that don't heal)- ... I don't think narcan is an answer- I had a girlfriend that got hooked and died from a heroin od- narcan may have saved her, but honestly she would have just gone right back to it... in a way it's a safety net for addicts, and they know it.
I know that Kentucky west V an Ohio are the worst and yea you are right about the doctors they had a thing about it on Discovery channel or E one of those folks we’re coming from Florida to get a script and take it home also about the free Ron instead on pills is in fact real first time is free just to try it. The safety net I agree just another way for the government to make money remember we invaded Middle East shut down the hashish and started guarding opium fields then come the pills now Ron just like back with the crack epidemic dollars dollars dollars now look at weed big o war on drugs now let’s put it on Wall Street and TAX it if I am not mistaken like alcohol
Majority of the Afghan dope goes to other markets.. South America has pretty much cornered the US market. They were able to give a purer product for a cheaper price.. similar thing to when they started producing meth in breaking bad type super labs

bro.. Ive lost many, many ppl to dope.. used to be a junky before I quit cold turkey a few years back.. that crack about the narcan safety net.. idk man. I suppose they could just order more body bags
I would imagine like anything else they could move it to South America first and use there system to move it north no?
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