New BAtch Of Democrats coming to US..

The fact that you equate eating a hamburger to fucking a bovine without consent makes you even more fucked up than I dared imagine...and that's saying something.

I'm not a White Nationalist Nazi, but a Vegan Nazi, big difference. I'm also in good company.

Morrissey also hates Trump, but is also just as fucked up, according to your measure.. No matter how much you want everyone to have the same thoughts you do, even if they agree on one issue, an individual has no obligation to agree with all of them. To think otherwise makes you all children.

Rather than come together on what we agree on, you vilify based on what you don't with the reaction, "that's not good enough!"

Well, I don't owe you anything.

"I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia. They are both rape, violence, murder. If I'm introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away. Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you: 'Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life,' well, I doubt if you'd want to exchange phone numbers," Steven Patrick Morrissey.

I'm not a White Nationalist Nazi, but a Vegan Nazi, big difference. I'm also in good company.

Morrissey also hates Trump, but is also just as fucked up, according to your measure.. No matter how much you want everyone to have the same thoughts you do, even if they agree on one issue, an individual has no obligation to agree with all of them. To think otherwise makes you all children.

Rather than come together on what we agree on, you vilify based on what you don't with the reaction, "that's not good enough!"

Well, I don't owe you anything.

"I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia. They are both rape, violence, murder. If I'm introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away. Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you: 'Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life,' well, I doubt if you'd want to exchange phone numbers," Steven Patrick Morrissey.

How do you stop the bacteria in your gut from bloodshed, cellsplitting and destruction of life?
I see no difference.
Please tell me, enlighten me/us "Oh one on high". and use a little "authority" in your delivery.
How do you stop the bacteria in your gut from bloodshed, cellsplitting and destruction of life?
I see no difference.
Please tell me, enlighten me/us "Oh one on high". and use a little "authority" in your delivery.

You must contact the Buddhas with a sincere desire to know the mysteries, if you're ready to listen to their mesaage, then they'll guide you towards your own personal path. Even if I explicitly told you what my true way is, it'd do you no good. The karma you've gathered, both good and bad, is much different than mine. Which is why the Buddha taught over 10,000 ways to reach enlightenment, that's bound to suit your particular needs.

Good luck on finding your path!
I'm not a White Nationalist Nazi, but a Vegan Nazi, big difference. I'm also in good company.

Morrissey also hates Trump, but is also just as fucked up, according to your measure.. No matter how much you want everyone to have the same thoughts you do, even if they agree on one issue, an individual has no obligation to agree with all of them. To think otherwise makes you all children.

Rather than come together on what we agree on, you vilify based on what you don't with the reaction, "that's not good enough!"

Well, I don't owe you anything.

"I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia. They are both rape, violence, murder. If I'm introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away. Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you: 'Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life,' well, I doubt if you'd want to exchange phone numbers," Steven Patrick Morrissey.

Shut up

A speciest is no different than a racist or sexist, who's ignorant of the fact a possibility exists and should be explored in the name of the greater good to get along. All animals just want the ability to satisfy their urges, but humans, unlike lesser animals have the capacity for enlightened rational thought, where one realizes our own pleasure can't come at the expense of another being's suffering.

A speciest is no different than a racist or sexist, who's ignorant of the fact a possibility exists and should be explored in the name of the greater good to get along. All animals just want the ability to satisfy their urges, but humans, unlike lesser animals have the capacity for enlightened rational thought, where one realizes our own pleasure can't come at the expense of another being's suffering.

Do you want to know what a moron is?
Look in the god damn mirror.
Your man bun is way too fucking tight
Do you want to know what a moron is?
Look in the god damn mirror.
Your man bun is way too fucking tight

If white privilege exists, why not go one step further with human privilege? Afterall humans are born with special societal advantages we are born with and not earned. So we need to implement fair lending animal laws, equal funding for animal education, and animal affirmative action, to level the playing field.

@Fogdog someone's learned from you.

If white privilege exists, why not go one step further with human privilege? Afterall humans are born with special societal advantages we are born with and not earned. So we need to implement fair lending animal laws, equal funding for animal education, and animal affirmative action, to level the playing field.

@Fogdog someone's learned from you.

Your wife mocks you
If white privilege exists, why not go one step further with human privilege? Afterall humans are born with special societal advantages we are born with and not earned. So we need to implement fair lending animal laws, equal funding for animal education, and animal affirmative action, to level the playing field.

@Fogdog someone's learned from you.

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