Well-Known Member
The fact that you equate eating a hamburger to fucking a bovine without consent makes you even more fucked up than I dared imagine...and that's saying something.
I'm not a White Nationalist Nazi, but a Vegan Nazi, big difference. I'm also in good company.
Morrissey also hates Trump, but is also just as fucked up, according to your measure.. No matter how much you want everyone to have the same thoughts you do, even if they agree on one issue, an individual has no obligation to agree with all of them. To think otherwise makes you all children.
Rather than come together on what we agree on, you vilify based on what you don't with the reaction, "that's not good enough!"
Well, I don't owe you anything.
"I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia. They are both rape, violence, murder. If I'm introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away. Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you: 'Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life,' well, I doubt if you'd want to exchange phone numbers," Steven Patrick Morrissey.