Aussie Growers Thread

You have misunderstood If you want I'll clarify. But I'm done today.
I'm sick of all your talk on pussy. You just don't shut up. We have women on this page and you must be annoying them more than me. Make up your own pussy thread and post the same pic every day there.
When your trying to catch up on posts its fkn annoying.

Don't go away mad, just go away.

Can any of you Master Growers, give me some advice on soil. Stuff that's available in Australia, I've got a little White Widow photoperiod, I'm not particularly fussed about it it's more of a hobby grow, I'm wanting to keep it in a pot in the garden and with a bit of luck mainline it to keep it very small. Here's a shot it's nearly two weeks old looks fine but it's growing really really slowly. It's in Osmocote profession seedling and cutting mix, and in one of those post that keeps a little pool of water at the bottom, I thought that's good for flooding it to check the pH and the ants won't be able to get in. The local hydro shop didn't have a decent mix.
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Drink a bottle of bleach,that should sort you out
jzs147, Papasmurf99 and giglewigle like this. #62752

Are these three who like the shot going to call you out you fuckwad @ruby course not because they are not men, a man has integrity he tells the truth are they going to be honest now, or is it more important to support their mate even when they know he's wrong.

Gutless fucking cowards. The exact opposite of what women want.

True or not @Venus55
Ohhh look now someone's getting angry
Care to give me an honest opinion on that quote from the sick cunt Ruby? Do you have a daughter by any chance, would you want to teach her that? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

What's your opinion about shaved cunts, seeing as like your opinion is worth more than some guy with no experience.
I liked your post.
Because you called me a sick cunt fuck yeah .....
It was an ignorant question? My turn to say “really”?
Ok well here’s how ignorant it really was. The only time I’ve seen people spin their weed was in high school. And the purpose for it was to “make it last longer”.

Now for a man who just trimmed 10 pounds by himself I can’t see that ^^ being the reason you spin it.

So I asked the genuine question. But ok let’s just roll with “I’m ignorant”, cos that’s easier than answering the straight forward question posed to you.
I'll roll with that
I think we needa just freeze this wanker out until he leaves. No point keeping it going, it's not even entertaining rabble.
Getting boring isn't it..
I've been called fuckwad,sad Fuck,sick cunt,pathetic cunt ....and not once has he called me a bastard.
All I'm waiting for Is to be called a bastard and I'll block him I'm telling yas I will.

The only thing negative about today is you yes only you(yummy twit ) has caused it...yes we fell for it.
But now it's boring I'm not playing with you again.

P.s I loved the bit about me going to hell...
That's always been my aim....
Getting boring isn't it..
I've been called fuckwad,sad Fuck,sick cunt,pathetic cunt ....and not once has he called me a bastard.
All I'm waiting for Is to be called a bastard and I'll block him I'm telling yas I will.

The only thing negative about today is you yes only you has caused it...yes we fell for it.
But now it's boring I'm not playing with you again.

P.s I loved the bit about me going to hell...
That's always been my aim....
True that mate, wont know any cunt in heaven that's for sure
Getting boring isn't it..
I've been called fuckwad,sad Fuck,sick cunt,pathetic cunt ....and not once has he called me a bastard.
All I'm waiting for Is to be called a bastard and I'll block him I'm telling yas I will.

The only thing negative about today is you yes only you(yummy twit ) has caused it...yes we fell for it.
But now it's boring I'm not playing with you again.

P.s I loved the bit about me going to hell...
That's always been my aim....
I find his rants hilarious but that clip of that thing dancing is about the last straw,how on Earth anyone would fuck that and then admit to it is beyond me,the only movie she should be in is a snuff movie.
Fucking trick or treaters. I bought a shitload of chocolate bars and the little cunts are skipping past my house. 2 seperate lots just walked right by and went to the house next door. And that lady next door is a cunt i bet she gives em apples or something.
:weed:my fuckwit moment of the day.... so the postie drops a some seeds in my mums letterbox and she opens them coz we both have a M for our first name and she’s like what kinda seeds are in the container. I froze didn’t know what to say, I fucked up and said a mate said he would send seeds to me in the near future. Lol I said dw mum I ain’t up to anything sinister :fire::fire::fire: she thought I gave up pot, I shoulda said they were chilli seeds, she would probably keel over if she knew what I was up to... bless her
Fucking trick or treaters. I bought a shitload of chocolate bars and the little cunts are skipping past my house. 2 seperate lots just walked right by and went to the house next door. And that lady next door is a cunt i bet she gives em apples or something.
You got any decorations up ?