full set up! how much can i yield?


Active Member
hi, im wondering typically how much can i yield for my first harvest with this set up

-SOG 8 plant white widow closet grow
-8 46w cfls (vegg growth & flowering)
-1 400w hps (vegg growth & flowering)
-standard 18/6 (vegg growth) 12/12 (flowering) for lighting
- all fox farm nutes(big bloom, etc.)
- growing in soil
- walls covered with mylar

i am going to TRY to get the plants about 2 feet high

PLEASE LEMME KNOW your honest answer :)



Well-Known Member
size of closet ?

size of pots you will flower in ?

if everything goes well i would say 1oz per plant...imo


Active Member
the size of the closet is 6ft long x 2ft wide x 6 feet high

i am going to use the homemade CO2 tank (sugar, yeast)

1 gallon pots for vegg growth

3 gallon for flowering



Well-Known Member
If the seeds are not feminized then expect possibly around half to be males or hermies.

What is your expeirence with growing ganja?

2 feet is that at harvest or going from veg to harvest?

What about ventilation?
What size pots?


Active Member
i am going to start off growing 10 from seeds and im hoping at least half will be female. i can fit up to 8, so hopefully i will get that many.

i have a fairly big fan blowing on low 24 hours a day

my hps is also air cooled

-2 feet at harvest


Well-Known Member
hi, im wondering typically how much can i yield for my first harvest with this set up

-SOG 8 plant white widow closet grow
-8 46w cfls (vegg growth & flowering)
-1 400w hps (vegg growth & flowering)
-standard 18/6 (vegg growth) 12/12 (flowering) for lighting
- all fox farm nutes(big bloom, etc.)
- growing in soil
- walls covered with mylar

i am going to TRY to get the plants about 2 feet high

PLEASE LEMME KNOW your honest answer :)

with 2ft it isn't really SOG anymore but WW 2 ft if you go lucky is about 2-3oz per plant

what is the ground space you work with and how long did you veg?


Well-Known Member
I would say max you would get if you get 8 females is a lb. 2 ounces per plant would be a good goal to set.

Thats what I would shoot for, its deff possible if you dont mess up, and keep your PH good, and dont burn your plants. Make sure you keep those cfls in good spots between the plants.

lb of white widow would be some nice smoke, im about to harvest some in a week or two.

Good luck buddy : )


Well-Known Member
shit 2 onces per plant would be awesome. does anyone know a good way to mount the cfls?
close to the plant, within 2" and well ventilated. CFLs get mounted in a E27 standard light bulb sockets;)
if our CFLs happen to be T5/floro tubes you will need a fixture with the right size. this orients itself with the socket type and the wattage of the tube;)

both should be mounted parallel to the plant, so if over top horizontal, if sideways vertical;)


2-3 ozs will be easy if placement of those cfl's is perfect. without 2 oz would probobly be your top, if you got lucky.

nirvana widow grows great. her superior genes are easily seen in veg, and espcially when flowered. 3 gal pots should do perfectly, to keep their height down, she will root whatever space you give her - almost. so far she loves the fox farms i feed her - think of a pkbooster to add with tiger bloom and big bloom, look for something 0-50-30 - this works well, fox farms has 3 different pk boosters for different cycles - i went with an offbrand, i wasnt going to switch every 2 weeks. She seems to be able to take hard nutes, but still be careful in soil, maybe get a soil nutrient test kit to use every once in a while to see when the nutes start to diminish, but i think you'd be fine in veg with no nutes, and then just start feeding bloom nutes when you flower them, just be careful! if you treat her good, she'll treat you good back - but if you screw up she'll let you know - trust me.


i would havng your cfl's pointing downward, inbetween your plants, 8 plants is 4 sets, so put one between each set, add the rest somewhat the same way with better coverage. if you were hanging it over the plant you would want the bulb mounted sideways. but the 400w hps should be above the plants...

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
tyler 666 is a kid, trying to hide his grow from his mom.

i am currently growing in my closet it. but whenever i have the light on, light shines through the crack of the door.

does anyone know how to get rid of this?

i dont want my mom finding my grow room lol
Responsible, experienced growers shouldn't have anything to do with anyone admittedly trying to conceal a grow from parents or others living in the same house. Growing dope is an adult sport.

Everyone in the house should be aware of the grow because they all risk going to jail- and the house being sold at auction, whether the cultivation charge is proven or not. All you have to be is arrested before property forfeiture laws kick in, particularly in the USA.