Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah I’m moving them now coz I got another 3 weeks of stretch I can still move them another 4 inches I should be sweet if I knew how to dim them down I would not bother but I don’t want no burnt tops lol
How does the stretch normally go under yours? Heaps more controlled than an hps stretch from what I see.
Had it charging outside on stereo while mowing lawn went out back n it was on the ground there’s no way if fell by it self cuse my cat allways tries n goes there kinda my foult there but I swear she’s probly saw that n thought fuck this cunt for not letting me kill that lizard I’ll duck tje iPad then
NAH. I understood all of that ..U drinking, cat got in the way and u tried to kick the c*"t to Kingdom come.. lol
Yeah try toothpaste, a thick layer and let it dry for an HR I spoze. Then wipe it off with paper towel. Get a screen protector once/IF it works and put that on , u should get more life outta the Crapple poopad.. hahah . sorry I've always hated Mac's.. unless they start with Mrs
U sir made my day u funny cunt my mum talked me into it never again I’m gunna fix it myself the screens are only like around 70dolers it
Something to do and I won’t have to restore it n shit

Delete all my shit
So would I be better off topping my plant on the middle section or leave it 15407930915740.4494699621060062.jpg. Here's the whole thing15407931912780.9144670033573584.jpg . it's small but it's doubled in size over a month maybe.. and these haven't popped any pistils and they have been there awhile now20183728073737.jpg :dunce:
How does the stretch normally go under yours? Heaps more controlled than an hps stretch from what I see.
I haven’t been noting how much they have stretched already but the crazy viny thing in back is stretching the most lol hopefully it slows down now it’s buddin.... but the indica dominant plant I got seem to be loving it and stretching how they should. We will know in about 5 weeks how it goes lol
So anything to slow or relax Ur mind slows Ur typing and thought abilities.. sounds medically necessary for choof in Ur diet.. me too ..
Sister left me a few cigs so that calmed me I feel like I’m on mdma kinda but I’m tired at the same time idk I can’t explain I can’t think but Ye weed is the only thing that helps the worst one I dident smoke for a year n couldent sleep for 8 days
Work to live mate, not the other way around, fuck em, ive learnt that no cash is worth working for cocksuckers and being unhappy ay, id rather be tight for cash hey. Always a dollar to be earned somewhere. Only time it sucks is for those big purchases ya cant get a loan for, but i usually find a way to make it work.
Yep I'm the same .. it's the cook who couldn't handle a steady flow.
I was hungover yesterday so didn’t go to work, didn’t ring or anything. Boss rang me today asking if I was ok and when I’d be back. Told him maybe tomorrow or when I feel better. He didn’t even care, just wants his good catchers back on crew.
What do you catch?
Fucking one of my darkweb orders did not make it. Bummer.

The second one got through. Faaaaaark yes.
Ive been thinking about getting some acid off the dark web but all the sites I have managed to find seem expensive and if it didnt get through I'd be pissed, what did you manage to get through?
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Lol damn 2.0 is fairly hot but I run in rdwc I'm not sure about coco. Just split it in to 2 buckets and add plain water
I’m in Terra bro but I figure if the ph is right and the ec ain’t too high these plants should easily chew thru it... they ain’t complaining yet lol... I run drip clean too so I don’t get a salt build up