RED SOX NATION..! (no yankees)

Thought about words; been through this so many times here in Titletown, thought it would be easy, didn't expect I'd be so humbled this morning, I have no words

..well, I got these words

Congratulations 2018 Boston Red Sox..!

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Title town? Lols. Long ways to 27
I believe the name titletown refers to the Total Domination of Boston in all major sports, not just the recent 15 year domination of Red Sox baseball.

Oh and by the way..

Q: What's the difference between a Fenway Frank and a Yankee hot dog?

A: You can have a Fenway Frank in October!
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I believe the name titletown refers to the Total Domination of Boston in all major sports, not just the recent 15 year domination of Red Sox baseball.

Oh and by the way..
View attachment 4225020

Q: What's the difference between a Fenway Frank and a Yankee hot dog?

A: You can have a Fenway Frank in October!
The patriots aint to bad when the cheat. Except playing the Giants!
It was a beautiful thing with the Mets series at Fenway towards the end of this season when all the Mets fans and Red Sox fans were chanting..

ms-3MK7Zm.gif unison, it brought a tear to my eye if I'm honest :clap:

Anyway too late; I was looking for Yankee fans to annoy at the beginning of the season, I kind of gave up (like the Yankees did after the All-Star break). The season is ova, see you in 19 when Sox will dominate again.