Uh huh.
"The term ‘sex work’ obscures the reality of exploitation and violence in prostitution and the sex industry as a whole.
Behind the libertarian rhetoric of ‘freedom’ and ‘choice’, many sex work advocates seem truly focused on eroticizing domination and the profits to be gained therein
The argument that prostituted women ‘consent’ to sex is built on a fallacy. Nearly 90% of women in prostitution say that they want out immediately. Prostituted women are often handled by pimps or madames, who take a portion (or all) of their earnings via coercion or violence. Choice is meaningless in a circumstance like this.
Choice does not also designate justice. Regardless of the fact that some people may choose to go into prostitution, it is a unjust industry. Would any anti-capitalist accept the argument that because some people choose to work in particularly exploitative jobs, that capitalism should not be criticized?
More than 80% of prostituted women are raped, with nearly 75% reporting they have been raped more than five times. This is just a brief writing on a large subject, so we invite you to learn more from these powerful feminist voices:" Melinda Chateauvert, a retired history professor and the author of “Sex Workers Unite!