How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

Malcolm X changed his mind, maybe you can too.

You have spent years carefully crafting the argument that civil rights are bad because black people will be forced to serve whites, an injustice which you can’t find a single example of

How does it feel to be that dumb?
Misguided hated there schuylaar.
No ruskie. not even stirring the pot.
I've no interest to debate nor convince anyone anything on this site beyond, cannabis.
Thanks for the hello.
all money spends the same..if rob roy doesn't want to serve you, he can apply for a private club type business but he CANNOT pick and choose.

and i'm really tired of the argument because the government provides a way for him to not serve certain people as a private club.

but that's not what he wants and it blows my mind..
@Rob Roy racism makes him a slave, don't follow down his path. Break the chains of your father
You have spent years carefully crafting the argument that civil rights are bad because black people will be forced to serve whites, an injustice which you can’t find a single example of

How does it feel to be that dumb?

A little smarter than if I'd shit on another persons floor and forced somebody else to clean it up.
“Civil rights are bad because it will force black people to serve whites. Also I cannot name a single instance of this actually happening”

That’s how fucking dumb you are. You’ve spent years working on your argument and that’s what you cameup with

Civil rights are bad because they displace a natural right with a legislative edict.

Every peaceful or neutral person has the right not to be forced to serve another person against their will. If you disagree with that, you are arguing for forced servitude, slavery.

I don't think people of any color should be enslaved, but you think if you enslave everybody equally, with the nanny state as the plantation master in your forced hierarchy, that somehow it represents equality. It does, equality of servitude,which is likely a vestige of your indoctrination via government schools where you were taught to worship the almighty state.

I cannot name a single instance where true equality exists within a coercion based hierarchical involuntary system, neither can you, slave. Still winning.
Civil rights are bad because they displace a natural right with a legislative edict.

Every peaceful or neutral person has the right not to be forced to serve another person against their will. If you disagree with that, you are arguing for forced servitude, slavery.

I don't think people of any color should be enslaved, but you think if you enslave everybody equally, with the nanny state as the plantation master in your forced hierarchy, that somehow it represents equality. It does, equality of servitude,which is likely a vestige of your indoctrination via government schools where you were taught to worship the almighty state.

I cannot name a single instance where true equality exists within a coercion based hierarchical involuntary system, neither can you, slave. Still winning.
You’re not using words correctly

I imagine this is s habit you’ve developed to help yourself try to justify pedophilia