Barneys Farms,Ztittles.


Well-Known Member
Attitude-Gorilla-zkittlez-Barneys-Farm.jpg Any of you dudes done this Strain ,Ordered a Pack yesterday.Because I'm sick of hearing how good this Strain is..My Brother been the one that is all ways on about it,He got me a 1/8 th of it but it was only available has Moon Rock.And any one that knows me ,knows I can't take smoking very good get smashed easy.To me it Looks a Bit ze green crackee,

Does anyone know the Genes that are in Zkittles,it's crossed with Gorilla Glue.So I'm Hoping I can have this one has my final Mother,That's
Francos Lemon Cheese.
Exodus Cheese.
Strawberry Glue.
Really looking forward to getting back into getting nice clean meds.Fuking Zkittles it's Skittles dudes ,what you thinking,Fruity burst in the Mouth.Come on,I feel like one of the German Soldiers ,Pass me ze Zkittles
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Real Zkittlez comes from Terp Hog farms not fucking Dutch high times DEA narcs
Dude ya can't just put that on with out any Proof,At least put some proof on be interesting reading,Un less it's something that's been cooked up in the tga kitchen ,while they was selecting a Jack Herer from Sensi Seeds ,to use in another one of his crosses .You can't just start putting Dutch seed companies down,now its legal in the odd state.without companies like Greenhouse ,Sensi Seeds ,Dutch Passion ,along with a load more .Most of the strains over seas most likely would not be ,apart from the few that got of there arses and searched out strains FFS Franco ,died doing just that strain hunting.I hate it when there put down on some of the shit people put out ,Lets face it ,there strains are good ,but there are far better out there.And a fair few are crosses of once Dutch Genetics .Real Cheese comes from the uk ,Not La like I've seen wrote some where over past few week .Lemon Skunk was part of the Dutch underground scene ,long before I had ever even tasted lemon smell and taste from any where else.Really looking forward to the proof you we about Bareys been a group of DEA,narcs.Show me proof of this and I will never use them again.I think Roll it up should re think who they let advertise too, if there allowing Informers to Advertise lol
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Real Zkittlez comes from Terp Hog farms not fucking Dutch high times DEA narcs
Just here to Educate not Discriminate,Zkittles was Originally from Grape ape,and a Humboldt Grapefruit,and a Unknown strain ,Created by 3 gen Family ,But gifted to a guy called Brandon from turp hogs and he just ran with it ,and the rest is history.And i be Honest with you i have grown a fair bit of skunk in my time and this has the look to it ,Not the Barneys version but the real deal .But if your gonna get down with what that un known strain was a lot say GSC
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Dude ya can't just put that on with out any Proof,At least put some proof on be interesting reading,Un less it's something that's been cooked up in the tga kitchen ,while they was selecting a Jack Herer from Sensi Seeds ,to use in another one of his crosses .You can't just start putting Dutch seed companies down,now its legal in the odd state.without companies like Greenhouse ,Sensi Seeds ,Dutch Passion ,along with a load more .Most of the strains over seas most likely would not be ,apart from the few that got of there arses and searched out strains FFS Franco ,died doing just that strain hunting.I hate it when there put down on some of the shit people put out ,Lets face it ,there strains are good ,but there are far better out there.And a fair few are crosses of once Dutch Genetics .Real Cheese comes from the uk ,Not La like I've seen wrote some where over past few week .Lemon Skunk was part of the Dutch underground scene ,long before I had ever even tasted lemon smell and taste from any where else.Really looking forward to the proof you we about Bareys been a group of DEA,narcs.Show me proof of this and I will never use them again.I think Roll it up should re think who they let advertise too, if there allowing Informers to Advertise lol

Personally, I don't like Barney's either....I find a lot of their stuff isn't exactly stable....

Real Exodus cheese (From the UK) Is simply a pheno of original Skunk.....Like Dog shit, Cat piss, Road kill, Burning rubber......Hell, I kinda believe that some of the "Fruity Pebbles" is just a pheno of that UK cheese.....Kaliman sent me a pheno during the fuss over Fruity Pebbles (He knew I had a cutting of FP)......Didn't tell me what it was and said "grow this out..:)"
I asked him what pheno of FP it was...He answered back it was one of his Cheese pheno's....

I wish I had kept it...It was quite nice!