Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

I fucking give up.
Weather reports have shown well above freezing all week, but every day I wake up to frost.
My 9lb hammers and C13 need another two weeks at least, but we can NOT SHAKE this unforecast cold. (I'd call it a snap, but I don't believe we're gonna get back to above freezing). Too big to cover...
I went to bed with a forecast low of 36, and woke up to 28 with a low of 24.
This whole mess is weeks early, we don't typically hit frost until Halloween.

@too larry hope you're doing alright. Been a while since we've seen any weather reports or hypothetical grow notes. :bigjoint:
I saw that someone had posted on Outdoor Show and Tell that Sandhill Larry was alright. Same dude, different name?
Hope so. too Larry lived in the sandy country from what I recall.
Hey guys. Alive and well. Just got phone an wifi back at work today. A week or so back I was able to borrow a little wifi from the Rabbit Sheriff's hot spot and let my Instagram buddies know I was alright. {i'm still Sandhill Larry on IG} Chance posted it here for me.

Big big mess. Years to clean up.
Hey guys. Alive and well. Just got phone an wifi back at work today. A week or so back I was able to borrow a little wifi from the Rabbit Sheriff's hot spot and let my Instagram buddies know I was alright. {i'm still Sandhill Larry on IG} Chance posted it here for me.

Big big mess. Years to clean up.
Glad you're OK but what is going to take years to clean up, your stuff or the your general area?
Glad you're OK but what is going to take years to clean up, your stuff or the your general area?
Both. We had 130 mph winds for 90 minutes. Not much is untouched. I lost my pole barn and pump house, roof on one shed, and have a tree on the the other shed. The roof to the house had what I thought was minimal damage, but the adjuster was there today, and he wrote the roof off. Also the back deck had some pines on it, and he included the deck, but since it falls under "other structures", and they max out at $25K for all other structures, it is't really going to add to what we get, as the sheds are already well over the max.

Timber losses of 90%. 20 acres of 19 year old long leaf, 10 acres of 30 year old slash, 28 acres of hardwood. Then half interest in 40-45 acres of mixed slash, long leaf and hard wood.

I just came from a timber meeting. They used the biggest church in town, and it was standing room only. Lots of guys from the different state and county agencies there. Still more questions than answers in what kind of help we can expect.

My sheds with the long leaf's in the background.

Man, that's really sobering to see. I guess you must have the attitude that this won't happen again for a hundred years.
I didn't think it would happen this time. Only Andrew, Camille and the 1935 Labor Day storm were stronger. But I saw where something like 12 of the 15 strongest storms worldwide have happened in the last 10 years. So who knows. The water temp in the Gulf was 87F.
We had two lines of thunderstorms come through. The first one yesterday afternoon. It had pretty hard winds. Heavy rain too, but it didn't last long. Then the 2nd front came through early this morning. More rain in this one. Once it was past, the temps have been dropping. At 1530 it's mostly cloudy, 61F with 71% humidity. Our high was 70F early this morning, and the low is forecast to be 43F with 10% chance of rain.
I didn't think it would happen this time. Only Andrew, Camille and the 1935 Labor Day storm were stronger. But I saw where something like 12 of the 15 strongest storms worldwide have happened in the last 10 years. So who knows. The water temp in the Gulf was 87F.
87F is unreal. At least from Oregon where 50s are the norm. Any hurricane that wanders into a 87F pool is going to wreak havoc. At what water temp do fish start dying?
87F is unreal. At least from Oregon where 50s are the norm. Any hurricane that wanders into a 87F pool is going to wreak havoc. At what water temp do fish start dying?
Fish kills are mostly due to lack of oxygen, which is more of a nutrient thing. I saw a story on weather underground a while back about these hot spot swirling around the gulf. They can last up to two years. Both this storm and the one that hit Huston was over a hot spot like that right before landfall.
I walked and camped last night. Carried my summer bag and just about froze my ass off. It was only a mile to the house, so at 0100 I got up and walked home to get warmer gloves, a sweat shirt and dry socks out of my truck. Bonus was the Salvation Army blanket in my wife's car. Slept great from 0300-0700.

Saw 4-5 shooting stars last night. If the dew hadn't been so heavy, it would have been a great night to skip the tarp and just use the mesh tent. But the dew was thick. I dropped most of my gear and slack packed a few miles before bed. When I got back to the camp site, all my gear was wet. And I use the stuff sacks for my pillows.
But today has been pretty nice, temp wise. Warmer with more clouds. At 1400 it's partly cloudy, 70F with 70% humidity. Forecast high low of 71/62F with 20% chance of rain.
We had a little rain earlier. I've tried to get everything covered, but there is still a ton of shit getting wet.

At 1900 it's partly cloudy, 73F with 91% humidity. Forecast high low of 80/70F with 50% chance of rain tonight.