How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

No is disputing your personal experiences with the weak and flaccid... Nevermind your arguments.

doesn't our government take our money to fund wars to help wallstreet gain control of other countries wealth. I don't like my money being taken to kill woman and children on the alter of corporate greed. I would prefer my taxes be spent on education and healthcare . socialist believe that workers should be allowed to keep a fair share of the wealth they produce. conservatives believe that workers should only be paid enough to create the next generation of workers and throw out when they are no longer productive. I prefer socialism to the fascism and racism that conservatives embrace

Why would you like any institution or person(s) which "takes your money"?

I don't like money being taken to kill woman (sic) and children either. I would prefer you get to fund the things you like and use and others get to do the same.

Socialism, Fascism and nearly all of the other isms use the same means, not much difference in how they do things.
Please make a coherent argument rebutting my claims.
I can point out all day that every country with government controlled, socialized medicine gets better results for lower costs but your nazi ass will cry about how it’s slavery and rape and then creepily suggest that certain 11 year old boys can consent to your pedophilic sexual advances
I can point out all day that every country with government controlled, socialized medicine gets better results for lower costs but your nazi ass will cry about how it’s slavery and rape and then creepily suggest that certain 11 year old boys can consent to your pedophilic sexual advances

Then why is the price of weed dropping, imbecile ?

Health care run by the country and not for profit results in much lower prices for health care. When you take that out of the equation I think people live longer more productive lives because it is one thing they do not have to worry about and an operation will not financially ruin you and leave you homeless. Desperation and easy access to guns are not a great combination.

It should also include basic prescriptions (for life stuff like BP meds, Cholesteral, diabetic meds etc). and basic dental care. If you buy generic drugs in bulk the cost is peanuts.

In addition the social countries have really decent vacation time. 2 years maternity leave (here you get unemployment insurance for up to 1 year). and other family related perks.

But the system doesn't always work. If the scale is tipped too far in one direction you have Greece and the other EU nations that are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.
Health care run by the country and not for profit results in much lower prices for health care. When you take that out of the equation I think people live longer more productive lives because it is one thing they do not have to worry about and an operation will not financially ruin you and leave you homeless. Desperation and easy access to guns are not a great combination.

It should also include basic prescriptions (for life stuff like BP meds, Cholesteral, diabetic meds etc). and basic dental care. If you buy generic drugs in bulk the cost is peanuts.

In addition the social countries have really decent vacation time. 2 years maternity leave (here you get unemployment insurance for up to 1 year). and other family related perks.

But the system doesn't always work. If the scale is tipped too far in one direction you have Greece and the other EU nations that are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

So, you believe that government should be able to use guns to force people to buy things from people the government approves of, but the person being forced may not approve of ?
So, you believe that government should be able to use guns to force people to buy things from people the government approves of, but the person being forced may not approve of ?
Do you think stores should be able to sell expired and spoiled food to those willing to buy it ? Should I be able to pour chemicals from a cleaners into a fresh running stream that runs near my store ? Can I also put my garbage in front of your yard but not on your property.
Do you think stores should be able to sell expired and spoiled food to those willing to buy it ? Should I be able to pour chemicals from a cleaners into a fresh running stream that runs near my store ? Can I also put my garbage in front of your yard but not on your property.

I think a "store" is a physical building, etc. I think people should be able to make mutual and consensual (voluntary) trades. I don't think it's your business or mine to make others choices for them if their choices don't involve us.

You should be held responsible for any damage you do to another persons property when you pollute.

If you own the property in front of my yard you could put garbage there, (not sure why you'd do that...sort of a shitty neighbor thing to do). if you don't own the property, see the line above.
So, you believe that government should be able to use guns to force people to buy things from people the government approves of, but the person being forced may not approve of ?
I truly do not understand your logic. Do I think the country should support its citizens? Yes

I do not see it as a gun to the head I see it as a healthier country (both physically and mentally)