Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

The only thing we have control over is the use of our vote. I think we are going to be OK.

That said, my family has rented a yurt at a State Park on the days surrounding election day. We will have phones off, no TV and enjoying a good dinner after long walks on the beach. I'll find out what happened when we get back.

Triangle oysters raised in a protected area near the mouth of the Umpqua River has the best oysters in the world. The smallest are best eaten raw. Mediums go on the coals. Fuck politics.


The ocean doesn't care what happens on Nov. 6. Those waves will be washing up and down the coast on Nov. 7 just the same.
Fine choices. Make mine raw.
Look at how alpha you are, all terrified of a bunch of women and children fleeing violence

No way a country of 320 million could ever find room for a few thousand people either

Also, ALL lives matter

Fucking Jews are to blame for it too

so the fact that all these disparate and desperate people somehow got together (supposedly without money, food, water..) and just now decided to caravan to the good ole USA doesn't strike you as suspicious? Hmmmmm
Look at how alpha you are, all terrified of a bunch of women and children fleeing violence

No way a country of 320 million could ever find room for a few thousand people either

Also, ALL lives matter

Fucking Jews are to blame for it too
WoMen AnD ChiLdReN !1!!



so the fact that all these disparate and desperate people somehow got together (supposedly without money, food, water..) and just now decided to caravan to the good ole USA doesn't strike you as suspicious? Hmmmmm

Hmm, guess trump didn't think the Mexicans would give them the clothes off their back if it would cause him strife.
such a genius.