Well-Known Member
Hey guys read through the whole thread, I was wondering why EJ Mix was not mentioned in here is it not the preferred method for emulsifiying?
I've already ordered it and it's on its way 50ml for 30 bucks, I'm hoping I don't have to add flavor or terpenes because the quality of my bho should keep its terpenes but we will see.
Used ejmix as my first emulsifier maybe 2 years ago. I was mainly doing qwizo runs and a few small blasts. It definitely works and does not seperate. It just has an aftertaste to it. Possibly from the peg 200,300, etc.
I now use a product called Extract soulutions original flavor. PG only and a "natural emulsifier". I'ved used it for qwizo,qwet,bho and now rosin. Similiar to wax liquidizer previously mentioned. The product really lets the taste of your extract shine.
I've used a few other brands that have oeg in them and I don't care for them.
Carts used play an important role in taste also. I used to use the cheap .5ml and 1ml cotton wick carts,but have upgraded to some ceramic double coil carts.
Squishin' the goodness out

Old carts used

New carts currently using

Mixed and steeping