The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Or maybe you’d rather just sit here and make small hand jokes while you jerk off to kidddy porn with the admins here.

Feds will be by for their regular info collections you rats make a single file line
Words and memes LMAO you can do it guys eventually this will all pay off BWAHAHHA

go cut your dick off and buy some titties you’ll probably feel a lot better about your situation once you just let it out man

team winning
Good luck in November

Thanks you ruska fuck, you’re fucking lying ass cnn polls have been full of shit and wrong for a fucking decade and every time it’s more and more WRONG. We’re keeping the house and the senate and overturning Roe, no more transgender bullshit, no more Obamacare bullshit, no more socialized bullsht

Gear up for YEARS MORE of childish foot stomping name calling liberal obstruction tantrums
Peace out bitches I’ll leave you hereto talk to yourselves about how badly you’re getting fucked by the world and how you and your children will never be anything more than the scum under my shoe
Thanks you ruska fuck, you’re fucking lying ass cnn polls have been full of shit and wrong for a fucking decade and every time it’s more and more WRONG. We’re keeping the house and the senate and overturning Roe, no more transgender bullshit, no more Obamacare bullshit, no more socialized bullsht

Gear up for YEARS MORE of childish foot stomping name calling liberal obstruction tantrums
Maybe it’s because when Obama won the RIGHT didn’t pull all this bullshit....

We dealt with it for 8 years. We didn’t attack people or accuse the world of racism. You didn’t get your way and you launched a civil war
Men's suicide rates are still higher than women's overall, however, and there's been a troublingly steep increase in suicides of men from age 45 to 64 as well, as so-called 'deaths of despair' from drug, alcohol and suicide deaths spike among white, middle-aged men without a college degree. The only age group that didn't experience a rise in suicide rates from 2000-2016 was men over 75 years old, who already had the highest suicide rate of all.
