Aussie Growers Thread

Thanks for the help fellas be free fked if I can sign up to one of these joints just to buy some corners fuck I’m getting angry 2 hours of fkn about still ain’t got.

Just cause some fkn cock sucking cunt lost em grrr

I would be looking to get a steel replacement if i can. I have had plastic corners fail on me dropping lights onto near fin8shed crops. It aint pretty
Any of u blokes got lush green lawns? I'm after some tips mine looks like shit

Figure out if you have buffalo or not. Then go buy a selective weed killer. Something that will kill broadleaf weeds but not grass. If you have buffalo you need something like buffalo pro because normal broadleaf weed killer will kill buffalo grass.

Once you have poisoned all the weeds and they have died off you can reseed the patches with grass seed and then fertilise with shirleys number 17. Then its just a matter of getting a sprinkler and giving it regular water

Edit:- if your soil is really shit it may be worth top dressing soil over your grass. If you ask at your local landscape supplier they will have a top dress product.
Urea. Cut high and cut often. A good soaking of water at least once a week, best done in the evenings.

Yep. I like to use a mulching plug in my mower as well instead of using the catcher. It cuts everything up fine enough you cant see the mess and it adds back to the soil.

Also fucking handy for disposing of unwanyed plants. I can run over a plant with my mulching plug in
Root ball and all and there isnt even a sign of it left after lol
O and sharp mower blades. Dull blades damage the leaf tips. They are cheap to replace and easy to sharpen either with a bench grinder a file or if your brave a small angle grinder (preferably in a vice). Remember to disconnect the plug lead when working near the blades.
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Yep. I like to use a mulching plug in my mower as well instead of using the catcher. It cuts everything up fine enough you cant see the mess and it adds back to the soil.

Also fucking handy for disposing of unwanyed plants. I can run over a plant with my mulching plug in
Root ball and all and there isnt even a sign of it left after lol
agreed. I'm on an acre and 1/2 so I normally just side shoot but mulching is better. Catching is the worse for the health of the lawn. If you do have seeding weeds though catching will spread them less.
Ah yeah nice. I'm probably due a new mower might look into it soon and cheers luke I'll look up urea
heavy mower mows better..If you can afford a Victa Mulch Master with the 850 brigs and Stratton ull love it. Can side throw or mulch but doesn't catch. The Honda HRX217 is also a damn good mower without the contractor price tag. It will catch and mulch but doesn't catch extremely well and doesn't side throw.
Any of u blokes got lush green lawns? I'm after some tips mine looks like shit
Slow release fertiliser. And if you have weeds get herbicides that are specific to the weeds so ur not killing off the grass at the same time. Grass grows quicker than weeds so if u have the slow release ferts down when there becomes a patch from the weeds u poisoned the grass will beat any new weeds thinking of coming thru.