Giddy up
Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, was formerly a soil grower for about 5 years...this summer I decided to switch my cannabis room to RDWC and my vegetable room to ebb and flow. A few months ago I was servicing a 480V 800A lighting panel and some welding dust got stirred up and caused an arc blast across all 3 phases. I suffered third degree and complex burns on both arms, luckily my face shield saved most of my face and I only got flash burns from the brightness...long story short, I've had a few thousand dollars of lighting components, water pumps, air pumps, PVC, fittings, etc all just sitting around, and hopefully this Friday I will be cleared to use my hands again...sorry back to the point, I'd like to hear what other growers who've switched from soil to hydro have found to be the biggest differences, and what are some things to look for that an old soil grower might not think of. Apologies for the long post, can't wait to receive all your guys' knowledge!