South Africa 2018 Outdoor: First legal run!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well its been a good while since I had a little thread here. Been an intense few years, garden under constant threat, mad hustles to survive and all that boring shite.

Anyhow, story in SA right now is personal use and cultivation are decriminalized, with zero limits set as yet. Pretty sweet haha.

So... run has been started early. Got some girls at 6 weeks, seedlings at 17 days, and a last pass of seedlings just come out the soak and into soil. Light Dep girls are already pretty big, they will go into outdoor homes last week of November, any sooner and they will go straight into flower. Those are selected cuts from indoor keepers.

Beds are old school raised beds, compost, mulch, compost, mulch into nice thick sandwiches. Immeasurable gallons of goodness. Space here is limited so I expect some competition none the less, spacing is a little tight. Only additional nutes will be AACT and that is that.

Potted plants are grown in Coot’s mix, basically, except recycled for a few years and constantly re amended so its kinda hard to say what is in there loooool. All good, all alive and powerful.

Got a whole 6 months to the finish still haha...

Shadows and Light F2 garden
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An older Lightwork girl nursed through the last bits of winter... shes going to be quite generous

Seedlings of... damn forgot which ones these are loool will check labels in a bit haha

And todays ration of some badass headstash: (Golden Goat x Joseph OG aka Golden Gage) x (LA Affie x 88G13HP F3)... total pain in the ass to run its banana city unless you dial her in to perfection so I dont run her muchB235DC58-96C2-4A5B-83D7-280736FA88AC.jpeg
Looking good dude !! Hope you been well, keen to hear what your mixes are like these days, still got your ones you gave me years back !
Thanks for stopping by fellas. The weeks progress has been great, started on one AACT per week. Pulled one large male that was a little late to show and replaced with a younger girl. Started LST on a taller girl, she was going to run away with herself so keeping her level with her sisters. Screen will be coming up in a few weeks already it seems!! Seedlings are now full power vegging plants should know sex soon, guessing 2 weeks, then last outdoor beds to be filled. After that its all potted plants due to both space and the fact that pots will be big enough hehehe...
First spot of LST
Looking forward to these. Shadows and Light hit with my Breathwork male

Total champs, handled some more insane winds.

The mad mutant


Very happy with health all round. All are smelling summer coming and vegging at very satisfactory rate. Planned screens will work well as will cages On track for a fat stack!