Clone help!


hey everyone! So I was gifted about 7 clones a month ago. They were in a hydro setup and I use soil. I transplanted them into 1gallon pots of FFOF soil and everything seemed good for a while. Always made sure to ph water and not to over water them. The past few days things seemed off. Ph is always between 6.5 and 6.7. I have been using tap water that sits out for 24 hours, impello tribus, Fox Farm Big bloom and grow big (1/2 strength for both FF nutes). Also don’t pay attention to the one in the solo cup that was an experiment.

Any ideas?



If you just transplanted into fresh FFOF you don't need any nutes. Don't over water. The dryer side is better than wet. How close are the lights?
They have been in the FFOF for about 3 to 4 weeks. I only water when the pots are very light


Well-Known Member
They have been in the FFOF for about 3 to 4 weeks. I only water when the pots are very light
Yeah you did put that information in the first sentence. Been a long weekend.

I agree they look over watered. Add anything new to the grow lately? What's changed?


Yeah you did put that information in the first sentence. Been a long weekend.

I agree they look over watered. Add anything new to the grow lately? What's changed?
In the past when I ph’d the water the tool I was using was wrong. I recently got a ph pen and changed from deionized water to tap water. I haven’t added anything and environment hasn’t really changed.

I have another tent with plants from seeds that are currently 3 days into flower and they have been very happy with the water change.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Those are some sad girls. They are not happy where they are that's for sure. I don't know how long it would take to get that soil corrected and for the plants to start rebounding. I would transplant them in some fresh Pro Mix and very light nutes so they could start rebounding immediately.