The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

First test batch is cut trimmed dried and bagged. After 15 minutes of curing me and the misses opted to do some testing. First off just judging by looks and smell I got alot of fire in my batch. Only 2 were obviously lesser looking buds . Not that that counts yet.

Wife loved the smell of number 5 , which is also fantastic looking. Number 9 has some peers.
She liked it because it has some spearmint qualities.

Rolled a joint, both had a puff or 2 and HOLY FUCK.

Super lung expansive, totally activated the bronchials, started breathing really really deep and slow
Smoke was good but a little burn on the throat. Might be better after I let it cure another 15 min
Stone was really strong but not over whelming or intimidating like some other fire strains
Did not give me munchies or affect my appetite more then normal. I was about to eat some baked cookies anyway and I only ate a normal amount
, or make me more sleepy then normal. The Misses slept better.
But , what it did do was like the strongest high quality muscle relaxant I ever took. I felt relaxed in the face then the back and legs. All my sore pain and strains from early season hockey were gone. It wasn't couch lock I could still be active but I was sooooooo relaxed. Very like an edable
IT was moderately euphoric and watching jarhead was awesome.
It felt like we could totally get our shit together and deal if we had too but would rather not and just enjoy the high
It was a long ass stone too we smoked around 7 and I was still feeling it strong at midnight and still at 5 am.
Next day no burn out or bad feeling considering how strongly we felt medicated.

Wife is of the opinion that we have something fantastic and amazing in our hands.

God Damn Tony Green nice fucking work man!!!!

So this is test one of pheno Number 5, we got a long way to go.

we are ready for the write up on #9...
These are the " also ran" the tall ones are pheno 2 it is really tall and fast growing but it is better suited for someone who wants to grow 7 foot plants. and then there is that shorty there pheno #6, the runt of the litter. Fantastic struture nice big buds just doesnt fill in with Tri's or weight. Its got a fantastic stink though.
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According to my grade, 10 science class from the mid 90's your F2's will have the biggest possible spread of gene expression, assuming you start to pick for traits for F3. F1 should be really homogenous F2 is chaos then F3 some stability and F4 more stability. Also, this is assuming you are using a matching F gen Male, and for F3, F4 etc it is assuming you can select for traits. So take that for what it is worth (virtually nothing)