Harvest? Or wait through the cold? Help...


Ill post pics of what the temps are supposed to be. But anyway, the plant has probably a week or two. Lot of white hairs on bottom nugs still. My problem is its been in cold weather for about a week now. Day time temps have been in the 40s and high 30s and night temps in the low 30s and high 20s. So shes been stressing. On Saturday and Sunday the temp is supposed to be 20s and on Sunday night gets down to like 15. But after Sunday the weather makes a come back and gets warmer. Should i harvest on Sunday morning and save her from the 15 degree night. Or should i push her on through till the next week when it gets warmer. Put her in the garage over the last week with a 600w led light and a small utility heater just so she could stay somewhat warm and get some kind of light bc weve had no sun the last week and a half
Doesn't fit through my front or back door. And even if she did I don't have anywhere where she would be in complete darkness. She's a big girl lol
let it grow,pot can take cold beater then people think,just let it go and see how it dos for you got nothing to loose by not chopping yet.
let it grow,pot can take cold beater then people think,just let it go and see how it dos for you got nothing to loose by not chopping yet.
So what does cold damage look like. Some of the smaller bottom leaves by the smaller nugs have like drooped super hard. Could be from not enough like as well i guess. And what does rot look like, im sure its noticable but its my first grow so ive had no idea what I'm doing
My practice is to trust my girl through frosts, and once a real freeze sets in, time to chop.

I would ride it out and do the things needed to keep the base of the plants warm by watering and laying mulch around the trunk to keep the roots warm. You could also get some hand warmers and lay them on the ground around the base of your plants.

Don't worry about leaves and branches. Focus on protecting your roots from freezing.

I'm in Wisconsin. It will hit mid to low 30s the next two nights. Frost advisory right now. Will hit 50s by Sunday. I actually welcome the cold nights. Buds seem to respond nicely.
Just leave her. Some of your lows might do damage...or even death if you do not protect the roots especially.

You will know there is damage when all the leaves have drooped and do not pop back after sun up. I've had it as low as 24 with no damage so far this yr. It freezes every night.
id build a green house if it always got that cold but if it isn't going to rain or snow i would leave her
Just leave her. Some of your lows might do damage...or even death if you do not protect the roots especially.

You will know there is damage when all the leaves have drooped and do not pop back after sun up. I've had it as low as 24 with no damage so far this yr. It freezes every night.
Ive been watering with slightly warm water before lights off, except for last night bc the soil hasnt been able to dry out. Bottom leaves by smaller nugs are drooping so hopefully they bounce back with some sun today. Gonna take your advice and push her through another week, hopefully she can make it cuz i dont have a day off till next Friday
Ive been watering with slightly warm water before lights off, except for last night bc the soil hasnt been able to dry out. Bottom leaves by smaller nugs are drooping so hopefully they bounce back with some sun today. Gonna take your advice and push her through another week, hopefully she can make it cuz i dont have a day off till next Friday
I would stop watering at this point
True! but you need to be feeding properly. You can deff over feed in the last weeks and taste it in the end. Normally i dont flush much of anything if i get my ppm down to 1-200 early
Sucks cuz so many people have different opinions on this. As a first time grower its hard to know which information is most viable to me