Dow is down seven hundred points today.No gains in the market in 10 months now
Dow(n) 830 at last checkDow is down seven hundred points today.
"Asian markets done shit the bed after DOW falls more than 3%"Dow(n) 830 at last check
It still says what I said. You want it to mean democrat. They were separate posts. You're not as sharp as you constantly say you are.
By the way. Do you keep a record of all the people you turn off to your wacko politics? You are off the rocker at this point.
well, there goes the totally understand it was just just paper and numbers this whole time..right?
i was delirious with dabs..did they say FORD is DOWN .50 or is WORTH .50/share?
'investors are shedding shares and expectation to continue today'.
Oof. More diarrhea.That wouldn't have happened had Henry Ford had his way. Either you have corporate success, at the expense of the workers, or workers rights results in failure of the company. The solution is keeping the company lean but government must step in to subsidize the unneeded employees. Otherwise we end up failing like is happening now.
Toyota stole Ford's idea of limited inventory and stream lined supply chain management called Just In Time, which Ford couldn't implement due to union rules, but realized it's limitations.
Which is why more than ever in an ever greater technology dependent society, capitalism must make way for socialiam.
"Toyota people also recognized that the Ford system had contradictions and shortcomings, particularly with respect to employees. With General Douglas MacAurthur actively promoting labor unions in the occupation years, Ford's harsh attitudes and demeaning job structures were unworkable in post-war Japan. They were also unworkable in the American context, but that would not be evident for some years. America's "Greatest Generation" carried over attitudes from the Great Depression that made the system work in spite of its defects.
Toyota soon discovered that factory workers had far more to contribute than just muscle power. This discovery probably originated in the Quality Circle movement."
"A quality circle is a participatory management technique that enlists the help of employees in solving problems related to their own jobs."
But that leads to two problems when socialism isn't part of the equation. One is it needs volunteers. Second the employees risk solving how the company can eliminate their own job once a employee shows how their job isn't needed. Why would an employee tell management how a process can be done which doesn't involve them anymore?
We're all in this together. When we start rooting against our own, because there's a sibling quarrel, we lose.
This is my job. Explaining to greedy corporate why being a humanitarian, and not fucking over their employees for short term financial gains is better in the long run.
That wouldn't have happened had Henry Ford had his way. Either you have corporate success, at the expense of the workers, or workers rights results in failure of the company. The solution is keeping the company lean but government must step in to subsidize the unneeded employees. Otherwise we end up failing like is happening now.
Toyota stole Ford's idea of limited inventory and stream lined supply chain management called Just In Time, which Ford couldn't implement due to union rules, but realized it's limitations.
Which is why more than ever in an ever greater technology dependent society, capitalism must make way for socialiam.
"Toyota people also recognized that the Ford system had contradictions and shortcomings, particularly with respect to employees. With General Douglas MacAurthur actively promoting labor unions in the occupation years, Ford's harsh attitudes and demeaning job structures were unworkable in post-war Japan. They were also unworkable in the American context, but that would not be evident for some years. America's "Greatest Generation" carried over attitudes from the Great Depression that made the system work in spite of its defects.
Toyota soon discovered that factory workers had far more to contribute than just muscle power. This discovery probably originated in the Quality Circle movement."
"A quality circle is a participatory management technique that enlists the help of employees in solving problems related to their own jobs."
But that leads to two problems when socialism isn't part of the equation. One is it needs volunteers. Second the employees risk solving how the company can eliminate their own job once a employee shows how their job isn't needed. Why would an employee tell management how a process can be done which doesn't involve them anymore?
We're all in this together. When we start rooting against our own, because there's a sibling quarrel, we lose.
This is my job. Explaining to greedy corporate why being a humanitarian, and not fucking over their employees for short term financial gains is better in the long run.
Speaking of Fake News how are those tax cuts feeling because I don't know anyone but the 1% who benefittedTax revenues up despite tax cuts. I wonder how you do that with millions of dead bodies in the street, job loss and the stock market plummeting under Trump? Must be Fake News. Bush's fault. MAGA.
+repThank you for educating me on something I didn't know about..i enjoy your posts!
Unions have helped more people improve their standard of living than benevolent rich people ever have.That wouldn't have happened had Henry Ford had his way. Either you have corporate success, at the expense of the workers, or workers rights results in failure of the company. The solution is keeping the company lean but government must step in to subsidize the unneeded employees. Otherwise we end up failing like is happening now.
Toyota stole Ford's idea of limited inventory and stream lined supply chain management called Just In Time, which Ford couldn't implement due to union rules, but realized it's limitations.
Which is why more than ever in an ever greater technology dependent society, capitalism must make way for socialiam.
"Toyota people also recognized that the Ford system had contradictions and shortcomings, particularly with respect to employees. With General Douglas MacAurthur actively promoting labor unions in the occupation years, Ford's harsh attitudes and demeaning job structures were unworkable in post-war Japan. They were also unworkable in the American context, but that would not be evident for some years. America's "Greatest Generation" carried over attitudes from the Great Depression that made the system work in spite of its defects.
Toyota soon discovered that factory workers had far more to contribute than just muscle power. This discovery probably originated in the Quality Circle movement."
"A quality circle is a participatory management technique that enlists the help of employees in solving problems related to their own jobs."
But that leads to two problems when socialism isn't part of the equation. One is it needs volunteers. Second the employees risk solving how the company can eliminate their own job once a employee shows how their job isn't needed. Why would an employee tell management how a process can be done which doesn't involve them anymore?
We're all in this together. When we start rooting against our own, because there's a sibling quarrel, we lose.
This is my job. Explaining to greedy corporate why being a humanitarian, and not fucking over their employees for short term financial gains is better in the long run.