
Well-Known Member
If you're after gettin the honey, then you don't go killin all the bees

it's part of a song, sorry, it came to mind.

Jesus H. Christ I was SOOOOO very high last night.


Well-Known Member
Fuck...more bee's..... 21 now today..I guess they want a nice place for the winter.. Hi ladies...So was wikid a bad girl last night.... I don't recover so fast anymore.... but I still like to try to get a good yee haw in here and there..


Well-Known Member
Fuck...more bee's..... 21 now today..I guess they want a nice place for the winter.. Hi ladies...So was wikid a bad girl last night.... I don't recover so fast anymore.... but I still like to try to get a good yee haw in here and there..
I kept trying to sober up so I could drive home, but my friend broke out some hash oil that was BOMB, and I just couldn't say no.

I have a hard time saying no, I've noticed. I didn't head home until 3 in the morning.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hope you're not allergic.
Fuck...more bee's..... 21 now today..I guess they want a nice place for the winter.. Hi ladies...So was wikid a bad girl last night.... I don't recover so fast anymore.... but I still like to try to get a good yee haw in here and there..
Just say YES!
I kept trying to sober up so I could drive home, but my friend broke out some hash oil that was BOMB, and I just couldn't say no.

I have a hard time saying no, I've noticed. I didn't head home until 3 in the morning.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Get some good old aqua net hairspray.It stiffens their wings and they can't fly.Then you can kill them or whatever.It has to be the aerosol can, of course.
Not allergic, but I sure hate when a bee lands on your mouse..... WHILE I'M USING IT !!!! stupid bee... not even the good honey ones... I know I'm going to get stung...... :(:(:(


Well-Known Member
Not allergic, but I sure hate when a bee lands on your mouse..... WHILE I'M USING IT !!!! stupid bee... not even the good honey ones... I know I'm going to get stung...... :(:(:(
Poor Twisty! :hug: I hope you don't get stung, but if you do, I'll kiss it and make it feel better :wink:

Get some good old aqua net hairspray.It stiffens their wings and they can't fly.Then you can kill them or whatever.It has to be the aerosol can, of course.
Really? I've never heard that, but it makes sense! I'm going to have to try that sometime....


Well-Known Member
I don't either, usually.But I swear it works.Hell, my mom used to use it, and she'd use enough to kill nearly anything!On her head!
That's what makes me hate hairspray! When I was a kid my grandma would do her hair and use like half a bottle! Then she's do MY hair and use at least half of what was left...

Seriously, she'd spray so much I would taste it on my tongue, and it was disgust.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know, right...and heaven forbid you walk behind her when she's spraying...cough gag cough...
That's what makes me hate hairspray! When I was a kid my grandma would do her hair and use like half a bottle! Then she's do MY hair and use at least half of what was left...

Seriously, she'd spray so much I would taste it on my tongue, and it was disgust.


Well-Known Member
Get some good old aqua net hairspray.It stiffens their wings and they can't fly.Then you can kill them or whatever.It has to be the aerosol can, of course.
It's funny you say that, I used to find rock hard lizards my ma would kill with aqua net. It really does work to kill everything, is it still even out there?