rapey GOP

Yup.. Ya got nothing

sure you win.

I got nothing. keep believing that, but a seed has been planted. The sooner you wake up and begin to question both sides, not just the one you are clearly mind controlled to hate , the sooner we the people caneget our power back from politics, who are a distraction and only serves themselves
sure you win.

I got nothing. keep believing that, but a seed has been planted. The sooner you wake up and begin to question both sides, not just the one you are clearly mind controlled to hate , the sooner we the people caneget our power back from politics, who are a distraction and only serves themselves
Lol.. Still no citation or fact.. winning
Lol.. Still no citation or fact.. winning

why would I waste my time when you are 100% blind to the truth?

You and others herre remind me of the time a husband was banging a woman and hs wife came home early and caught him. His reply to her freaking out: "Are you going to believe me, or your lieing eyes? "
Wow, that was really mature. Was that person 12? If so, awesome prank! Maybe there should be a coordinated effort to get the local high school to TP his house! That'd show him.

sadly, probably one of these who will die defending the left, cause it's easier than learning the real truth that politics is a carefully crafted distraction
Ha ha, that is hilarious!

When you say that, I picture a severely retarded 10-year-old blurting that out.

Because that is what you always sound like. :lol:

Whats with you guys, always talking about retared people and making fun of others calling them retarded. Not very pc. Seems a few years ago you guys all talked about trump making fun of a disabled reporter like you even cared....
Whats with you guys, always talking about retared people and making fun of others calling them retarded. Not very pc. Seems a few years ago you guys all talked about trump making fun of a disabled reporter like you even cared....
He did not actually talk about the severely retarded 10 year old. He only stated in which one ( you ), reminds him of such an individual . Which can be a true fact.
Trump mocked the reporter. Big difference
Whats with you guys, always talking about retared people and making fun of others calling them retarded. Not very pc. Seems a few years ago you guys all talked about trump making fun of a disabled reporter like you even cared....
If you guys would stop being so retarded we wouldn’t call you retarded

And please continue crying about name calling while voting for trump, retard

What does boofing mean?