Oregon Outdoors

Backyard dirt, wow. And dg’s lemon venom. Looking wonderful! What are yall smelling like? Got a lot of armpit funk and skunk floating thru the air round here. Makes you cringe your nose...
Ha! It's a small plant which I planted late (to keep it small) but I liked the colas with the backlight....always a good photo. And it looks like I'll be stinking up the neighborhood for another couple weeks.
Ha! It's a small plant which I planted late (to keep it small) but I liked the colas with the backlight....always a good photo. And it looks like I'll be stinking up the neighborhood for another couple weeks.
Looks gorgeous! I’m gonna wait til the last possible moment for these babies, which I’m hoping comes before the weather. Got the loupe out at least 2 times a day, just a waitin’! Just this cold, damp weather freaks me out a bit when I think about it too long...
Had to emergency cut 2 plants last night due to showing early signs of rot. Think I caught it just in time, only lost a few nugs but nothing like chopping down plants in the rain and dark. My other 12 plants haven't shown any signs yet so it looks like they shall make it to the end now.
Rude Boi OG, although they were the furthest along of all my plants so the buds were absorbing much more water. I should have chopped them before the rain, they were probably only a few days away anyways but I ride to either rot or amber.
I ride to either rot or amber. Love it. That would make a great bumper sticker.
Had to emergency cut 2 plants last night due to showing early signs of rot. Think I caught it just in time, only lost a few nugs but nothing like chopping down plants in the rain and dark. My other 12 plants haven't shown any signs yet so it looks like they shall make it to the end now.
wow so within 24 hr u went from no rot to a emergency but our other 12 r solid WOW good luck bro
wow so within 24 hr u went from no rot to a emergency but our other 12 r solid WOW good luck bro
Yes, early rot can develop within 24 hours lol. We had over 1.5 inches of rain in the last 2 or so days (plus over another inch the two days prior to that), when you get that much water it can puddle and cause rot very quickly which is why it is advised to monitor your plants at least every 8 hours if possible during heavy dew periods in late flower. So yes, the situation changed and when you see rot you chop, it will only get worse from there. Just some advice, next time put together a coherent sentence.
We’re on a grow thread, not english class! Let’s play nice, children!
Uh, I'm not correcting spelling I literally could not tell what he was saying based on that incoherent sentence. Just stating a fact and giving some advice, take it or leave it (I even responded in kind with the full situation). If you can make sense of what he is trying to contribute or tell me by quoting me with "so within 24 hr u went from no rot to a emergency but our other 12 r solid WOW good luck bro", please enlighten me. Calling others children by the way is much more childish (shrouded by a facade of being the adult moderator) than saying a sentence is incoherent lol, the hypocrisy.
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