Starches n stuff break down faster. Ever been to the south? East coast? There's a reason strains like ECSD are noteworthy from these climates. Because the humidity is high. We still stink up the neighborhood with a zip like the near mythical skunk that the west coast evolved out of existence by replacing weed exudates with beet exudates. Same strains in Colorado or LA can't even stink past the bag they're in, even when grown right.
Everyone growing hydro wants to control their climate, and preserve the minimal terps that are there and already flashing off. Growing natural/probiotic like we do in the south, the crops been building up huge levels of unconverted substances the entire grow, along with the reinforcements to hold them from flashing, and the humidity must be what makes it obvious why a slow cure between 70-80° (and high humidity) creates dank: increased conversion into desired metabolites through microbial activity.
But you know, the same body of science that states there are no strains also has no understanding of microbes working in the plant, nor do they grasp how lactic acid cuts fertilizer needs to nearly nothing, so it makes perfect sense to listen to that train of thought, right! All that yield based research with no regard for secondary metabolism.
I've resurrected a lot of "hay" from inexperienced growers. Once you see enough weed converted from hay smell and dirt flavor into the Pink Panties, Gorilla Glue or whatever it was meant to be, all notion of "preserving da terps" goes out the window.
Anyone who's had dirt/hay weed turn into something amazing after getting the dry back on cycle, should be able to tell whats going on. And like I said. With shitty hydrostore mersh garbage, there is nothing left to convert. Why anyone thinks they can grow novelty weed and expect to have dank that can be cured to a solid sticky loud bud is beyond me. You might as well freezedry the starchless sugarless fatless oilless artificially scented (puke!) hydro crap before it turns from Miracle-Gro reggie into Miracle-Gro straw.