Hydroponic MACHINE. . . NEED HELP

Fish & Bread

Active Member
okay so im tired of spending 120 dollars a week on chronic. yes i know this may be a little much but im a pot head through and through. I live in a very hot and humid climate so growing outdoors is out of the question. I also dont want to dedicate a room to growing with pots and soil. But most of all i want to produce ALOT of weed. Maybe 5 - 7 pounds a harvest?? But the only way of doing this that would even seem possible would be the cool cabinet or some other huge hydroponic machine. Does anyone know if these things are efficient, im talking about a 4,000 dollar one with all the fixings. Or would it just be a big waste of money. PLEASE someone hook me up with some information on this...:leaf:


Active Member
To get that kind of weight you're going to need at least 3 and more likely 4 1000w HPS lights running in your flowering chamber. That much light isn't going to fit nicely in a single cabinet. You'll need to convert a whole room to the task.

You'd probably be happiest with a small closet or cabinet with a couple mother plants to take clones from and a SOG set-up in your flowering room.

It's a lot of hardware. I'd suggest you start out a bit smaller than that. You may discover that the task of growing that much MJ isn't worth it to you. It's a lot of work and time. Prove to yourself that you can do it before you invest that much money. Get yourself some good expandable hardware, like some Ebb & Flow buckets or Aquafarms, a high quality nutrient program like Advanced Nutrients, and a 1000w HPS since if you expand you'll want several lights like that.

Do your homework and find out exactly what all you need to do this. You need ppm and pH meters, probably a RO system, ventilation and odor control, and a whole bunch of stuff that just isn't obvious without a lot of research or experience.

Get a grow under your belt. Then expand to that level. Don't try to go that big to start.

Fish & Bread

Active Member
the cabinet im talking about comes with all of the things you are talking about. and what about 3 pounds every harvest. . . i know i have a lot of homework to do and its very worth me growing that much weight lol i just dont want to do all the homework and everything necessary if im not gonna get the weight im trying to get. the machine im looking at holds 14 plants and 72 clones. its 6 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and 32 inches deep.

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
if i were you i would get a couple of small crops under your belt first, get the feel for how things work etc


Well-Known Member
4x1000w lights are going to run you $1500(+shipping) , $1000 for your hydro set up, around $200 in nutes, $150 in seeds,building a grow area. could be any where between $200-$1500(wood and stuff) $400 in miss. things if you want to do it right (seedling mats,starter cubes, domes,testing meters,and more) You say you don't want to dedicate a room to it (just a heads up but you are NOT going to fit 14 or 16 plants in a closet) so you would have to rent a storage unit or something. That could run any where between $200 a mo. to $1000 a mo.(for a industral place). I mean unless you have plenty of money it would not be in your best intrest to start something so large on your first go around. I am not going to say that is has not been done(because I seen it happen first hand on here) but it would not be very smart. But gl and I hope you have a extra 3500-4k laying around that you would need up front.But I would start small.

Fish & Bread

Active Member
thank all of you for all the feedback and stuff but now if i could get more specific it would be great. . . you see i want The Cool Cabinet. i mean im pretty sure this machine does everything for you. it has the lights you are talking about, i just dont know about 4 in the flowering chamber but i know it has 2, checks the ph, filters the water, vaporizes, co2, and anything else you would want can be read on a digital scale. i want to know if The Cool Cabinet could produce 2 - 3 pounds consistently every. . . i dunno 5 months. I really need someone that seriously could basically give me a straight up answer on how much i would harvest per harvest. I know this is a lot of shit, but yall have been fuckin kick ass so far so please keep it up.:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
thank all of you for all the feedback and stuff but now if i could get more specific it would be great. . . you see i want The Cool Cabinet. i mean im pretty sure this machine does everything for you. it has the lights you are talking about, i just dont know about 4 in the flowering chamber but i know it has 2, checks the ph, filters the water, vaporizes, co2, and anything else you would want can be read on a digital scale. i want to know if The Cool Cabinet could produce 2 - 3 pounds consistently every. . . i dunno 5 months. I really need someone that seriously could basically give me a straight up answer on how much i would harvest per harvest. I know this is a lot of shit, but yall have been fuckin kick ass so far so please keep it up.:leaf::leaf:

Post what machine you are talking about. The only one I know of like that (as stated )is the omega.And you say you dont wana dedicate a room to it but do you realize how big these things are? They are like 6 feet tall. Oh yea and they are around 6k-8k

Fish & Bread

Active Member
the machines i am looking into would be either The Cool Cab or The Caddy. the website is Sunlight Sheds
but i am not set on these machines, if anyone knows for a fact that another one is better and will produce alot more bud suggest it please. and i have a room dedicated for this machine i just dont want plants all over the place when you walk in, these things are somewhat stealthy and basically odorless.


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the grow box's on that site or the volksgarden?
from what ive read the omega garden is a better option but im not 100 percent on that.
OmegaGarden.com - Omega Gardens™: Industry Leading Hydroponics Designs for Indoor Gardening

theres lots of people on here that would know more than i would on the subject though. and theres been a lot of discussion on these models too.
check this thread. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/106830-omega-garden-conspiracy-2.html

And also heres somthing that i myself was looking into. personally i think its more atractive than the rotational grows but each to their own.

The cannabis cage

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
the machines i am looking into would be either The Cool Cab or The Caddy. the website is Sunlight Sheds
but i am not set on these machines, if anyone knows for a fact that another one is better and will produce alot more bud suggest it please. and i have a room dedicated for this machine i just dont want plants all over the place when you walk in, these things are somewhat stealthy and basically odorless.
Well I hate to be the bear of bad news but I think you need to do some (or a lot) of reading. To grow lbs of weed like you are wanting in a cab like that just dont happen. Most people are happy if they get a LB of dry per 1000k watt light. I know that is not had you wanted to hear but it is life. Like I said and as posted (dannyking) you might be able to reach what you are looking for with a machine like the omega. The guy I am getting ready to post a link to his page yealds 2 lbs every 2 weeks but has 2 1000w lights plus a 400w for his mothers and has a full room to do it in. Now remember he has over 120 plants going at all times.https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html . Do you see where I am going? 5 lbs like you want in a cab sorry but not going to happen.


Active Member
I wonder whatever happened to this guy. I hope he got a more realistic view of growing with hydroponics than he started with before he actually started spending money. Hydroponics, done right, can give amazing results but experience is what produces those yields, not just the equipment.

You hand the keys to a state-of-the-art hydroponic growing room to a rank newbie and they'll probably do okay (so long as he or she can follow basic instructions) but the jaw-dropping yields only come when you combine great skills and great equipment.

Now I'm not claiming to be great or anything, just wise enough to realize that I've still got a ways to go even if I've come a long way already. I just give myself the advantage of making sure my experience is the limiting factor in my growing. I use the best lights, hydroponic nutrients, and so forth that I can so that my plants have the least excuse to fail.