Great Lakes Genetics ?

I can't get a blank MO to send . Kept being told they haven't done blank MO for 5 years now due to terrorism concerns. Really wish you folks had another payment option. I will not send cash in the mail.
Cheers :)

I´ve felt the same too, being even more paranoid as I had to send cash through the Colombian post system, but it really does work fine, perhaps try a small order and tape an envelope inside a magazine or something like that. After several orders I haven´t had anything but good experiences with GLG... good prices, great freebies and top notch customer service.
Hello stoners. What's the longest amount of time it's taken for your glg orders to come? Have any you used cash in plain envelop(non tracked) with success ? I sent my order out on Sept 21st so it's been like 7 business days, when do you guys think they will get the order. I'm starting to worry my mail got lost or something. The only thing I can think of at the moment is I used a pink pen when filling out the address so maybe they have to sort by hand instead of using machines so that's what causing delay maybe dunno. I just hope they get my order
Hello stoners. What's the longest amount of time it's taken for your glg orders to come? Have any you used cash in plain envelop(non tracked) with success ? I sent my order out on Sept 21st so it's been like 7 business days, when do you guys think they will get the order. I'm starting to worry my mail got lost or something. The only thing I can think of at the moment is I used a pink pen when filling out the address so maybe they have to sort by hand instead of using machines so that's what causing delay maybe dunno. I just hope they get my order
Thats y u should spend the 7 bucks for tracking but u should be good glg are good people and wont screw u over but next time just spend the mone its worth it.
never seen the like of folks not wanting to send cash priority. So many times, not one problem. Far as that goes, sent cash to kinfolk all my life and never had nothing happen there either. Don't want priority, but want priority updates, lol and lightning return service, lol
Hello stoners. What's the longest amount of time it's taken for your glg orders to come? Have any you used cash in plain envelop(non tracked) with success ? I sent my order out on Sept 21st so it's been like 7 business days, when do you guys think they will get the order. I'm starting to worry my mail got lost or something. The only thing I can think of at the moment is I used a pink pen when filling out the address so maybe they have to sort by hand instead of using machines so that's what causing delay maybe dunno. I just hope they get my order

I do not want to sound rude, But you asked this question in the Bodhi thread and I told you I had not received your order and I told you how you can monitor it. So when you ask how long it takes for your GLG order to arrive? I have not received your payment,so how can you ask when it will arrive?
We advise people send orders tracked (preferable priority) for your own protection. And so if there is a problem we can do a search.
Plus you can see in real time where your package is. Then you do not have to worry. And we have a 99.999 percent rate of tracked packages being delivered. How ever there have been a few that take a vacation on their way. LOL
I also receive a lot of orders that are not sent tracked and they all arrive. But I do send every one of them a message to "Please send your package tracked."
And although they say Priority mail is 2-3 days it can take 1-5 days with out any reason for the time. So I do not know where you sent your package from but we call regular mail "snail mail". So Please just relax, I am sure it will be OK. Thanks BD

And Thanks to all of you that helped to explain this situation and for your kind words.
Does anybody know if glg is getting madd farmer? N glad to see they picked up shoreline wish they would have piced up more of his gear but in time im sure.
I use to carry Mad farmer and I lost contact with him.I had sent him several messages and did not hear back.

I will have more Shoreline gear,when he harvest I be leave. He sent the strains he currently had. And I hope to restock Shoreline BX and Texas Road Kill. @shorelineOG
I use to carry Mad farmer and I lost contact with him.I had sent him several messages and did not hear back.

I will have more Shoreline gear,when he harvest I be leave. He sent the strains he currently had. And I hope to restock Shoreline BX and Texas Road Kill. @shorelineOG
The Southern Comfort is dank as fuck. I’m not even kidding. That’s going to be a hot one.