Ed Norton, Jacky Gleason or the moon?
Gleason. My pop was a happy drunk. The life of the party.
In the army he was a radio DJ. And his army nickname was Ahhh. Never heard the story behind that one.
He was so proud of his first born son and his little tinker bell, my younger sister. I don't think he was aware he had another son, me, because in the 26 years we lived in the same house before he died I can't remember having an actual conversation with him.
Gleason. My pop was a happy drunk. The life of the party.
In the army he was a radio DJ. And his army nickname was Ahhh. Never heard the story behind that one.
He was so proud of his first born son and his little tinker bell, my younger sister. I don't think he was aware he had another son, me, because in the 26 years we lived in the same house before he died I can't remember having an actual conversation with him.
I can't like that, hugs, Danny. What he missed out on. You are cool, special, loving and sweet.
Gleason. My pop was a happy drunk. The life of the party.
In the army he was a radio DJ. And his army nickname was Ahhh. Never heard the story behind that one.
He was so proud of his first born son and his little tinker bell, my younger sister. I don't think he was aware he had another son, me, because in the 26 years we lived in the same house before he died I can't remember having an actual conversation with him.

Can't like that one either.

Sorry HE missed out on that relationship.
Gleason. My pop was a happy drunk. The life of the party.
In the army he was a radio DJ. And his army nickname was Ahhh. Never heard the story behind that one.
He was so proud of his first born son and his little tinker bell, my younger sister. I don't think he was aware he had another son, me, because in the 26 years we lived in the same house before he died I can't remember having an actual conversation with him.

I love you Danny.

And for the fucking record…. I typed this before Annie or GWN but apparently forgot to hit post reply last night cuz I was preoccupied with picking my mom up at the airport.

Their love for you is still valid too though.
Gleason. My pop was a happy drunk. The life of the party.
In the army he was a radio DJ. And his army nickname was Ahhh. Never heard the story behind that one.
He was so proud of his first born son and his little tinker bell, my younger sister. I don't think he was aware he had another son, me, because in the 26 years we lived in the same house before he died I can't remember having an actual conversation with him.

you ok buddy...need to talk to someone i'm sure all these fine people are willing to step up....

i am too....so if you need it, shoot me a pm.......i got an ear to bend if needed...
Not something you would have wanted to say to either of my Grand-ma's - If they really wanted your attention, they grabbed an ear. :wink:
I hear ya.:wink:

My family elders also believed in pulling the short hairs on the back of the neck to get your attention.o_O

It's a wonder I was not bald durring my teen years.:razz:
I hear ya.:wink:

My family elders also believed in pulling the short hairs on the back of the neck to get your attention.o_O

It's a wonder I was not bald durring my teen years.:razz:

After becoming a father I realized many things, and one thing was the meaning of the term " mean people " .
Mean people have a thorn bush growing right outside of the front door, so that when they are pissed at the young'ens the first bush they come to for a switch is said thorn bush, upon this realization I never looked at my grandparents the same again.
can't blame people for being what they are. having children will certainly change you, but will it change your basic personality? maybe, maybe not.
i'm not a particularly friendly, social guy. i don't hate people, i just don't enjoy their company most of the time. i've always been that way, and having a kid didn't change me. i love my son, but i didn't become a male version of julie andrews in the sound of music, because i had a kid.
is it fair to expect your grandparents to have a total personality change because one of their kids managed to reproduce?
having a child doesn't trigger a hormonal change in parents ( besides the temporary hormonal changes in pregnant women).
you don't acquire secret knowledge when you become a parent.
Being a good parent doesn't require you to be your child's friend, it actually requires you to NOT be their friend on many occasions.
Not something you would have wanted to say to either of my Grand-ma's - If they really wanted your attention, they grabbed an ear. :wink:

yeah mine did that too in younger years, but she also had the time to listen as well.....she would always say to me," if you ever need to bend an ear i'm here", basically letting me know that if i need to talk she was there.....she still is, she's 91 still does and say the same thing....
You are lucky to still have her.
Cherish your relationship - I still miss my Grandmothers & they have been gone more than a few years.

i am, her health is declining, but i still cherish the memories we have and had, and hoping we have many many more.....i lost my grandfather earlier this year on Valentines day, he was my fishing buddy for a lot of years. Dunno how many time we went hunting and fishing, and all the time we were drunk on a boat.......miss that old guy. Taught me a lot of wonderful things......