Greenpoint seeds!!

that city is the one closing down the CBD sellers. MO cops don't need a reason to pull you over and they'll try the license plate light out, then when next to your car, why your eyes so red, whats that I smell, etc. Reason is so many dumb motherfuckers are driving around with no ins, expired tags, etc. And I44 is a main thoroughfare for transporting. But the speeding, or crossing center lane, or any of your lights out, liable to be talkin to em. Powers that be aren't liking that its looking like MO will pass their MMJ law, by the size of the movement, etc. Thanks to Oregon, whose model they tried to copy, and Dan Viets, who I hate NORML, but he's been on that board for so long, he's finally trying to do it right.
I'm not surprised.
MO is backward when it comes to cannabis.
Fucking dumb shits have the religious stick up their ass.

That's why I don't live there anymore.

I grew up in Greene county -- which is featured on Live PD just about every week. :roll:
I'm not surprised.
MO is backward when it comes to cannabis.
Fucking dumb shits have the religious stick up their ass.

That's why I don't live there anymore.

I grew up in Greene county -- which is featured on Live PD just about every week. :roll:
oh shit, have you seen the new crime stats for spfd. They are becoming the new Lou. They are, but i do hear of folks gonna try the hemp thing. I take it you are not an Assembly of God fan, lol
that city is the one closing down the CBD sellers. MO cops don't need a reason to pull you over and they'll try the license plate light out, then when next to your car, why your eyes so red, whats that I smell, etc. Reason is so many dumb motherfuckers are driving around with no ins, expired tags, etc. And I44 is a main thoroughfare for transporting. But the speeding, or crossing center lane, or any of your lights out, liable to be talkin to em. Powers that be aren't liking that its looking like MO will pass their MMJ law, by the size of the movement, etc. Thanks to Oregon, whose model they tried to copy, and Dan Viets, who I hate NORML, but he's been on that board for so long, he's finally trying to do it right.
MO sounds like a fuckin shitshow from up here in the woodland empire. Palouse, dig?
oh shit, have you seen the new crime stats for spfd. They are becoming the new Lou. They are, but i do hear of folks gonna try the hemp thing. I take it you are not an Assembly of God fan, lol
Springfield has changed a lot.
The south side is where all the growth is, and it's moving toward Nixa.
North side of town is now ghetto.

I'm not fond of AGs, but always hit the bass pro outlet when I'm in town.
Have that accent, lived in WI, yankees asking me all the time, you not from here, are you, to which I would reply, couple miles south, lol. TBH, I heard more bullshit about yankees hating the south, than I ever heard living in the south about yankees, other than, he's a yankee.
I would also like to add to this, that from my experience, the southerners I know are much less racist than Northerners that I know. Contrary to popular belief
MO sounds like a fuckin shitshow from up here in the inland empire.
remember the old vid on you tube with the ex dea guy or someone telling people to just get out of car with keys and not say anything? Try that in MO, first, they'll bring the dog and he may or may not hit on the car. Then, they'll take you downtown for questioning, while have impounded your car. Your questioning or hold will last till they are done with your car. It is truly fucked up in cities. And your lawyer won't be able to get anything done about it. Meth heads and cooks and synthetics really ruined it, they don't believe anything anymore. But after AR passed their mmj, hopefully mo will to in NOV. at least its a grow your own mmj amendment
Springfield has changed a lot.
The south side is where all the growth is, and it's moving toward Nixa.
North side of town is now ghetto.

I'm not fond of AGs, but always hit the bass pro outlet when I'm in town.
that new wonders of wildlife is a tad high priced, but way worth it. If you ever get a chance to visit. Downtown and North sux in spfd. Shots fired or somebody shot every nite for a week, couple nights break, then started up again.
POS thieves do that! I probably would've bought those too based on lineage.

I don't know if this will help and I haven't finished my chucks (Goji x 3 Chems and Goji x Star Dawg IX) but I can shoot ya a pm when they're done. Amos also has those fiery looking Orgis.

The girls I found in the first few seeds look similar to all the other Gojis (pics in the Bodhi thread) but I found this one when I germed the rest of my pack las fall. The calyxes are huge. This is just one of several tops. View attachment 4207294
I really like it but it doesn't yield as well as past Gojis I've run hence why I dug out the back up pack.
I don't think GP has the Goji cross any more (the name escapes me) but Bodhis cut of Purple Goji f2 is insane. Maybe look into some work he's done with those?
purple mountain majesty is the one you're thinking of. still have a pack sitting around. one of the maverick as well which was the queen mother cut of goji.
The best way to deal with the police is to avoid talking to them.
If you pay attention to your driving (especially speed) and don't look conspicuous, there's a very good chance you won't get pulled over.

I got profiled back in 2005 driving south from St Louis in a rental car.
It was funny.

First question they ask is always "is this your vehicle", even though they already know it isn't.
It didn't take long to figure out I wasn't moving drugs.
They made up a bullshit excuse about me "hugging the center line", then let us go without even searching the trunk. :dunce: :finger:
Have to add that my friend who did drug interdiction also said they tended to pull people over who were going exactly the speed limit. He said it's wise to go 6 to 9 miles an hour above the speed limit to be more inconspicuous and reduce the chances of being pulled over. This is good advice just for avoiding speeding tickets too.
purple mountain majesty is the one you're thinking of. still have a pack sitting around. one of the maverick as well which was the queen mother cut of goji.
Maverick is a decent buzz, but after a week cure, you just get the sweet/tart goji taste dusted with chem. Longer it cures, more chem, less goji. I would have maybe like one of the other cuts of goji, but thats just me. It did grow decent and had many golf balls, but again, potency was a tad lacking.imho
The best way to deal with the police is to avoid talking to them.
If you pay attention to your driving (especially speed) and don't look conspicuous, there's a very good chance you won't get pulled over.

I got profiled back in 2005 driving south from St Louis in a rental car.
It was funny.

First question they ask is always "is this your vehicle", even though they already know it isn't.
It didn't take long to figure out I wasn't moving drugs.
They made up a bullshit excuse about me "hugging the center line", then let us go without even searching the trunk. :dunce: :finger:
Yep, I got pulled the other day and the first thing he asked me was whether or not it was my car. It was my girlfriends. He didn't search me though. I didn't have anything on me, I try to avoid ever driving with anything on me. I do have a medical marijuana card here in Florida so I'm allowed to carry vape pens which I do occasionally.
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no offense, but half the new motherfuckers are ex military just chompin at the bit. Come back from the bullshit wars with that same mindset.
This is no joke. You hit the nail on the head. I once went through a DUI check with my girlfriend and I had a bag of really incredible weed in my trunk. They asked if they could search the car and I said okay, they searched the car and didn't find anything. Then they asked if they could look in the trunk and I said look, it's one in the morning we've been driving for 6 hours and I want to get going. No, you can't search the trunk. Well, like an idiot I had an expired registration sticker, this is when I was young and dumb. They said we're going to take you to jail for your expired registration sticker unless you let us search your trunk. I said take me to jail. They took me to jail, and my girlfriend took the car found a dirt road and stashed the weed, then came and bailed me out for $200. To add insult to injury, I had a pack of rolling papers in my pocket and they searched me and missed it. Can you believe that? Jesus
This is no joke. You hit the nail on the head. I once went through a DUI check with my girlfriend and I had a bag of really incredible weed in my trunk. They asked if they could search the car and I said okay, they searched the car and didn't find anything. Then they asked if they could look in the trunk and I said look, it's one in the morning we've been driving for 6 hours and I want to get going. No, you can't search the trunk. Well, like an idiot I had an expired registration sticker, this is when I was young and dumb. They said we're going to take you to jail for your expired registration sticker unless you let us search your trunk. I said take me to jail. They took me to jail, and my girlfriend took the car found a dirt road and stashed the weed, then came and bailed me out for $200. To add insult to injury, I had a pack of rolling papers in my pocket and they searched me and missed it. Can you believe that? Jesus
Mo would have charged you for paraphenalia for those papers, which is a worse charge in court than a small possession charge.Go figure, eh?
Have to add that my friend who did drug interdiction also said they tended to pull people over who were going exactly the speed limit. He said it's wise to go 6 to 9 miles an hour above the speed limit to be more inconspicuous and reduce the chances of being pulled over. This is good advice just for avoiding speeding tickets too.
I go slow in residential areas, basically right at 20, but 4-5 over in town and 6-9 pver on the open freeway, never had a speeding ticket or moving violation of any kind. Make sure your papers are in order, glass is clean and all the lights work..those are my rules of thumb. I have walked away from a lot of charges over the years by playing it ice cold with the po po, and avoiding their attention as a priority.
Mo would have charged you for paraphenalia for those papers, which is a worse charge in court than a small possession charge.Go figure, eh?
They can charge you for papers? Not even Idaho does that. Holy fuck MIssouri in its dumb ass, batman!
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I go slow in residential areas, basically right at 20, but 4-5 over in town and 6-9 pver on the open freeway, never had a speeding ticket or moving violation of any kind. Make sure your papers are in order, glass is clean and all the lights work..those are my rules of thumb. I have walked away from a lot of charges over the years by playing it ice cold with the po po, and avoiding their attention as a priority.

They can charge you for papers? Not even Idaho does that. Holy fuck MIssouri in its dumb ass, batman!
Yeah, not sure about everywhere else, but paraphernalia in Florida and North Carolina is a stricter charge then possession of weed. Actually, I'm talking about bowls. If they just find the papers and nothing else I'm not sure if they can charge you for that. I did have a friend in North Carolina that bought a pack of papers at a gas station, and a cop came in line behind him and saw it. The cop followed him out and demanded to search his car and busted him for weed. Prick. In Miami-Dade County, they just changed the rules so if you get caught with under 21 Grams it's $100 fine and that's it. Progress is slow but it's happening. Also, I got busted at a dead show in Charlotte for standing next to someone who was smoking a joint. I protested and the detective yelled at me and said he would swear in court that he saw me smoking it. I had not touched it. I went to court, and turns out it had been decriminalized. They gave me a $60 fine and nothing ever appeared on my record. My friend got busted for having a beer at the same show and he got an $80 fine.
Yeah, not sure about everywhere else, but paraphernalia in Florida and North Carolina is a stricter charge then possession of weed. Actually, I'm talking about bowls. If they just find the papers and nothing else I'm not sure if they can charge you for that. I did have a friend in North Carolina that bought a pack of papers at a gas station, and a cop came in line behind him and saw it. The cop followed him out and demanded to search his car and busted him for weed. Prick. In Miami-Dade County, they just changed the rules so if you get caught with under 21 Grams it's $100 fine and that's it. Progress is slow but it's happening. Also, I got busted at a dead show in Charlotte for standing next to someone who was smoking a joint. I protested and the detective yelled at me and said he would swear in court that he saw me smoking it. I had not touched it. I went to court, and turns out it had been decriminalized. They gave me a $60 fine and nothing ever appeared on my record. My friend got busted for having a beer at the same show and he got an $80 fine.
Paraphernalia is a bigger deal than a few grams here, too, if they find weed and papers you get a charge for the papers, but but it rarely sticks because some folks still roll tobacco cigarettes in these parts, so without the weed, no charge at all.

Cops, lawyers, judges, all just as lazy as anyone else about their jobs, they all go for the low hanging fruit, and the occasional whale when the boss makes them.
Paraphernalia is a bigger deal than a few grams here, if they find weed and papers you get a charge for the papers, but but it rarely sticks because some folks still roll tobacco cigarettes in these parts, so without the weed, no charge at all.
gives em a reason to search, hope you have some self rolled cig butts in ashtray. MO, if charged with both, they'll drop the weed charge and hit ya with paraphanalie charge, more fine
gives em a reason to search, hope you have some self rolled cig butts in ashtray. MO, if charged with both, they'll drop the weed charge and hit ya with paraphanalie charge, more fine
Sounds great...not. I don’t mean to disparage your home state, but the insane cannabis laws, general violence in the civilians and extreme militarization of municipal law enforcement keeps me thinking “fuck every gram of all that shit” over and over.