Greenpoint seeds!!

Hey guys, have had a long break for me. However, in a new house at the moment and I found this crazy loud ticking noise coming from this box/picture I posted below. Thing is so loud, damn. This house is super upgraded and very very nice. I highly doubt this technology matches the house. Any ideas what this thing is??? The light switch next to it that I am guessing controls it, shows that it is in the off position. So it should absolutely not be ticking. The people working on the house who have done all upgrades/built the house, really are very good and know what they are doing. Please help me figure this out if it is anything to need fixing asap. Thanks!

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Porch light or sprinkler timer? I think it is just a really old on/off timer. Long time no see!
and the honest truth is, unless they think you are a big fish or have a red flag, popo don't really like to get out in the downpours, usually working wrecks and looking for drunks. At least in my area. Snitches are usually the one that cause the biggest ruckuses, not getting caught transporting, but rentals or uhauls or not having all paperwork ready if pulled over, all big mistakes. I still hear if you watch what you are doing, and take some precautions, the mail wagin is the best way, albeit not big ole biguns.
Interesting conversations ya'll are having. Back in the day I felt like I was a small fish and wanted to stay that way.
I was never in it for the money, I loved weed and didn't want to pay for it. Being in Oklahoma smoking weed in the 60s 70s was a huge risk in its self. I learned how to get around the dangers, by being myself happy, outgoing, friendly and not paranoid, always giving the cops a nod or wave. That said I tried to always be mindful and cautious of what I was doing. Kinda stepped things up when I was stationed in Germany early 70s. A few of us in the barracks were slinging kilos of hash, again free smoke. Keys of some of the best hash in the world for $800 US dollars. Turned it all day for a $10 6 gram chunk...I never made a dime but smoked a shit ton of it.
Moved to OR in 75 and got lucky and met this old hippy that was selling some of the best stuff around at the time.
We really hit it off, both of us having the same mind set to not be greedy and spread the weed. He would not let anyone into his circle unless they were laid back and confident of them selves, and had this same mind set. He offered the best deal around and expected it to be passed along the same way. Was a pretty sweet deal from 77 to 88 kept a good head, remained me and never and issue. Then his kid got busted selling at his JH school (had been heisting his dads shit). Talked a little too much and that was the end of that, daddy did a few years away and we kinda lost touch. Fast forward 30 years later absolutely blown away by the changes.
Never thought I'd be where I am today, in a legal state growing lbs of some of some top quality for me and mine.
Hey guys, have had a long break for me. However, in a new house at the moment and I found this crazy loud ticking noise coming from this box/picture I posted below. Thing is so loud, damn. This house is super upgraded and very very nice. I highly doubt this technology matches the house. Any ideas what this thing is??? The light switch next to it that I am guessing controls it, shows that it is in the off position. So it should absolutely not be ticking. The people working on the house who have done all upgrades/built the house, really are very good and know what they are doing. Please help me figure this out if it is anything to need fixing asap. Thanks!

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Looks like a version of this

Basically a heavy-duty integrated timer used for the purpose of power saving.
Dude this house has all the latest upgrades. Any chance it could be something else? Really this looks insanely stupid here. Everything is digital and recently upgraded within the past few years. Any chance this thing could burn down my house?
Trippy, But that’s my guess. Or a bomb.
Hey guys, have had a long break for me. However, in a new house at the moment and I found this crazy loud ticking noise coming from this box/picture I posted below. Thing is so loud, damn. This house is super upgraded and very very nice. I highly doubt this technology matches the house. Any ideas what this thing is??? The light switch next to it that I am guessing controls it, shows that it is in the off position. So it should absolutely not be ticking. The people working on the house who have done all upgrades/built the house, really are very good and know what they are doing. Please help me figure this out if it is anything to need fixing asap. Thanks!

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That is a timer. We have that exact one on our pool. And they are very loud as it ticks!

To turn it off, flip the lever at the bottom from the right to the left. Sometimes--not sure why--but these machines are designed to jam the lever and prevent the lever from turning off. If your lever seems stuck then lift the yellow part with numbers and pull it towards you. Then slightly twist to set a new time and release and doing that will release the lever below. Then you should be able to turn it off and that should stop the clicking.

Edit: I guess before you turn it off, probably be best to figure out what it is connected to?
its not a bomb.
call a local electrician for the win
Lol sorry, @sourgummy, not trying to freak you out. Home inspector or electrician, I think too.
That is a timer. We have that exact one on our pool. And they are very loud as it ticks!

To turn it off, flip the lever at the bottom from the right to the left. Sometimes--not sure why--but these machines are designed to jam the lever and prevent the lever from turning off. If your lever seems stuck then lift the yellow part with numbers and pull it towards you. Then slightly twist to set a new time and release and doing that will release the lever below. Then you should be able to turn it off and that should stop the clicking.

Edit: I guess before you turn it off, probably be best to figure out what it is connected to?
Knowledge! Fanx!
Lol sorry, @sourgummy, not trying to freak you out. Home inspector or electrician, I think too.

Knowledge! Fanx!

Ok I can assure you guys just due to the noise this creates, it would not be in the house. Not this nice of a house. The person has upgraded everything and this would not go un-changed if it is possible. Is there newer technology for these things?