Airflow after transplant?


Well-Known Member
I hear mixed reviews on airflow after a transplant when your outdoor growing. We have no wind right now really, (maybe 2-3 mph) She was obviously planted late as a bit of an experiment, so I thought I’d get everyone else’s take. I just transplanted a few hours ago and am thinking a 12 with the fan on, 12 with the fan off would might be alright... Any other suggestions?


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I can't give you any advice on airflow but the pots look dry. I'd give those girls a big drink.

All the other girls are hydrated but I was a little skiddish on over hydrating after the transplant after seeing so many mistakes made both on this strain, and in general. I’ll do that thanks.
You're growing it outdoors, correct? If so, I wouldn't bother with the fan. With the size of your plant, you really don't need to worry about airflow like you do with a large, densely branched plant.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you mention that you live in an arid environment in a previous post? If I'm remembering correctly, you're all good without the fan. Humidity is the big issue during flower.
Thanks Joe, you’re always a big help man.

Yeah even if I get a just a few bowls out of her, it’s better than letting the poor thing go to waste. Choco hashberry isn’t always too easy to come by. I’ll update again before harvest. Hopefully no more issues after this transplant.
Thanks Joe, you’re always a big help man.

Yeah even if I get a just a few bowls out of her, it’s better than letting the poor thing go to waste. Choco hashberry isn’t always too easy to come by. I’ll update again before harvest. Hopefully no more issues after this transplant.
No problemo amigo.

Rock that little lady, nothing wrong with a small plant. Sure, you won't get a ton, but it'll be a good learning experience for when you decide to go bigger.

Good luck. And remember this golden rule: KISS (Keep It Simple Stoner) :mrgreen:
No problemo amigo.

Rock that little lady, nothing wrong with a small plant. Sure, you won't get a ton, but it'll be a good learning experience for when you decide to go bigger.

Good luck. And remember this golden rule: KISS (Keep It Simple Stoner) :mrgreen:

Definitely. I’m half tempted to just transplant the healthier girl into one of those black planters given the crappy drainage of these clay pots

Definitely. I’m half tempted to just transplant the healthier girl into one of those black planters given the crappy drainage of these clay pots

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Next time around, try out fabric pots. They require more frequent watering, but allow improved airflow to the rootzone, which is definitely a good thing. Also the roots don't tend to circle like in plastic pots, rather they hit the walls and "air prune" (root tips die from exposure) causing more lateral roots to form. Point is, you'll get a beastly root system.

Keep us updated on your little lady. I've got some plants roughly the same size as yours right now that I'm growing outdoors just for fun.
I saw those and thought they were a good idea, they look relatively inexpensive too, which is always nice, advice taken.

Will do man!
I saw those and thought they were a good idea, they look relatively inexpensive too, which is always nice, advice taken.

Will do man!
Check eBay, search TH Choice. Very reasonable prices...but you have to buy a 5/10 pack I believe. I got the tan ones, good pots.