Greenpoint seeds!!

That works
Hell, as long as you're not this tattoo artist from Florida then you're ok in my book.
One of the greats for sure

I had no idea Ellen played electric 6 string.

I'll be poppin some brisco county finest here in the next couple hrs

Hey, look, man....I skip a lot of this ' the plaintives vs ~gu ' stuff, but I've read enough to know what happens when you feel disappointed. So, let me state way ahead of time, not necessarily for the record about who actually made those beans:

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lolol, those are the boys cap was calling out and they agreed no more f2's, but all the crosses they want to sell. So now since you think Cap is a blowhard, you get a double laugh. lol
How do I get double laughed at. They were given to me. Plus I have the real cut of the mac. And I have zero dollars in them.

Edit: sry I read that wrong. I thought you were meaning he was laughing at me.
The only thing I can say about verifying strains without having it properly tested is that they can look very different due to environmental variables. I can appreciate that most of the time there are usually general similarities but that just isn't something we can believe. Observation of appearance isn't a guarantee.
While I do commend Gu on his success in the canna business world and I think his seed offering are top quality, I do however see the validity in Heisen's and Jay's point.

If offerings are presented as a certain cut or marketed using the popularity of a certain cut then it really should be that cut, not an f2 or bx or a different pheno etc..

And I also feel that the not sending out emails to everyone that bought the s1s was a shady business decision. I get it, it would have costed gps a lot more $$$ to actually do a product recall but imo it should have been done.

That decision sowed a seed of doubt in my mind, at least, but as someone mentioned earlier those kind of business decisions are hard to make and sometimes being empathetic leaves your ass broke.
I had no idea Ellen played electric 6 string.

Hey, look, man....I skip a lot of this ' the plaintives vs ~gu ' stuff, but I've read enough to know what happens when you feel disappointed. So, let me state way ahead of time, not necessarily for the record about who actually made those beans:

Naw man I'll give credit where sugar coated bullshit coming form this end.i like the strains you grow and I've seen enough of what your least your finding shit to throw pollen at and not getting cuts off a shelf to breed to 1 looking forward to running them.
I'll be honest some of the best seeds I've ran to date have been free ones that were sent to me to test.thats being straight up.thise shorelines were pretty damn good and I had one gg4 that was pretty damn close.
The only thing I can say about verifying strains without having it properly tested is that they can look very different due to environmental variables. I can appreciate that most of the time there are usually general similarities but that just isn't something we can believe. Observation of appearance isn't a guarantee.
Jungle boys have a theory that there is no diff between sats and indies other than those environmental factors that affect the plant differently :

Hanging out with @phylosbio discussing how Indica and Sativa is a Myth and is no longer valid we are tapping into 1% of the cannabis plant we are just getting started. Cannabis is one of the oldest domesticated plants. For the last 10,000 years humans have been cultivating, exchanging its seeds, and moving it all over the world. Much like domesticated dogs, a large variation in cannabis morphology doesn't indicate speciation and is more likely a result of "domestication pressure". Cannabis has a huge amount of natural genetic variation and is an adaptable plant; its changes in morphology result from thousands of years of cultivation in different environments and for different uses (like hemp for fiber). A species grown in one location long enough to adapt to it's surroundings results in the formation of distinct landrace varieties. This is where the “Indica” vs “Sativa” and everything in between myth was born. The domestication of a plant results in a large range of genotypic, phenotypic, and contextual impacts that can be used as markers of local adaptation. Historically, plants and animals were often misclassified based on morphology - genetic data changed that. Now we know that cannabis is a single species with widely varying chemotypes and phenotypes.You have you equatorial and non equatorial
Just reporting like I was asked by a few.

Root nubs and typical bulking around stem base in 5 days. 9 different strains with 24+ seeds of each. Ordered about 10 packs and won't be using anything else again. Used half the dilution they say on instructions. I did this because there was a warning about using too much causing phytotoxicity. You could probably use it at 1/4 strength or less and get same results. I used Oasis root cubes, inch thick coco mats for capillary action,, and the basic cheap as hell heavy duty clone trays you get anywhere with tall dome lids and no coco mats just water on the bottom. Both ways work perfectly fine. I think I fit 250 clones on the autopot tray and used a 2x4' t8 flouro with only 2 bulbs on.

I can't say enough about the oasis root cubes. They hold water amazingly. Way better than rapid rooters or anything I have ever used. It is a one of a kind material. I have never seen or used anything like it. Whoever invented this is a genius. The lay out is perfect for me and to be able to break them up into whatever numbers I need or leave them whole for 50 clones a sheet is just fuckin awesome. INSERT CLONE INTO THE CUBE. Don't just lay it in there or it will die. It needs to puncture the cube about 1/4" in and it is good to go. I press on the hole the clone is in and the material closes in around the root stem. I don't even know if that is necessary but it worked 100%. Set and forget. I didn't do shit for these clones. I lost maybe 8 clones of a little over 300 and this was because I tested NOT inserting them all the way. They quickly died after 3 days. I love this method because you never have to worry about power outages which we had for almost 2 days =)

Temps ranged from 78-82 degrees. Never higher. I prefer 76 degrees but it was really hot and ac was not working great. Humidity was always 90%+ in cloner.

Brief instructions:

Water pH 5.6-5.8

1. Take Clone
2. Put clone in solution in a solo cup while you take as many as you need. Some were in solution for 30 minutes to an hour.
3. Insert clone 1/4 inch into cube.
4. Close cube opening with fingers around root base.
5. Checkem 5 days later. I imagine in 3 days I will be transplanting.

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For some of you'll interested in the 1000w cmh In doing a comparison grow of 800 watts of cobs vs the double ended cmh and the results so far are pretty cool.someone said it was junk but its putting the 2 315 cmh I had to shame.i could not even think that 3 315s for twice the cost would be as good.

Heisen u running C02? If so what PPMS? Was told by someone those yellow tips and mag def go away under cobs when running c02 as long as obviously you arent lacking Mag and Cal. I havent turned mine on this run yet but had very similar thing while vegging. I added epsom salts tho and it fixed this under the cobs little bit before flowering. Have perfect tips now an dno C02 yet. I usually turn C02 on around day 20.