Random Jabber Jibber thread

only if you live in SA. At the trance party this weekend everyone was giving everyone else weed.
It was awesome. I even came home with two kinds of free hash
i'm just wondering how this is going to effect your ability to sell weed? sure the culture is different, but people are people.
many places here it's caused a mountain of problems for old established growers. people start to grow their own, people try to start making a living at it, and flood the market, making prices drop to the point its not worth the effort to grow it anymore....
not trying to scare you, just curious what you're expecting out of the situation?
you know i like the SA did the the cannabis thing and how they finally legalized it the way they did.....but i'm wondering the same question Roger.......

i've heard it in different states where legalization has brought in alot of people and then the bottom drops out with the pricing......cause now the market is flooded..
Prices will go down, no doubt, but you also know not everybody can grow high-grade weed overnight.
At best most will buy a few seeds and plant those and gamble on genetics.
I grow only genuine exodus cheese. It is a favorite in the local market. In my area, there are only two other largish growers and we serve different markets.
The rastas know the quality of my weed so, it is spoken for long before I harvest at this point. They call it King Cheese.... and they call me the king.

So far only personal growing is allowed, but once it evolves into a commercial scale, it will follow a similar trajectory to what it did over there.
you know i like the SA did the the cannabis thing and how they finally legalized it the way they did.....but i'm wondering the same question Roger.......

i've heard it in different states where legalization has brought in alot of people and then the bottom drops out with the pricing......cause now the market is flooded..
That's gonna happen here. There's been commercial growers from the med market gearing up for a year plus and the date for shops to open got pushed out. Then there's stuff coming in from out of state, so there's a big surplus building up. Plus almost everyone I talk to that smokes is growing for themselves. I've heard through friends the price of a oz has gone down almost 50% since the beginning of the year. It'd be funny if it backfired and all the big money backed shops fail because of it.
Lots of people will grow for themselves a few times, then get overwhelmed by the amount of work involved and go back to buying weed.

i doubt you'll have as many problems as here, just because of sheer numbers. Thousands of people moved to Colorado, Washington, Oregon.....and tried to get rich growing weed.
i doubt there are that many people that will try getting rich on it there, but there will always be some.
Prices will go down, no doubt, but you also know not everybody can grow high-grade weed overnight.
At best most will buy a few seeds and plant those and gamble on genetics.
I grow only genuine exodus cheese. It is a favorite in the local market. In my area, there are only two other largish growers and we serve different markets.
The rastas know the quality of my weed so, it is spoken for long before I harvest at this point. They call it King Cheese.... and they call me the king.

So far only personal growing is allowed, but once it evolves into a commercial scale, it will follow a similar trajectory to what it did over there.
This is very true.
Most new growers try a few times, then gave up and dump their gear on craigslist for pennies on the dollar.

Gotta have realistic expectations.

If you don't know what NPK means, you're probably better off buying weed from someone who knows what they're doing.