ACMPR - wait times

true enough..
they will have to deal with med folks no matter what...
specially if they already lived in the building prior to the vote!..

cheers med ears!

I just SOLD my friggin box in the sky..thank fucking god..
things dropped 40 gs in a month since!:shock:
just dumb luck ..

Its gonna be a gum fight everywhere...
Ummm, call them and ask the questions and then you will get your answers .... after you speak to them about how the director of the clinics had a talk with HC to guarantee that their electronic signatures will go through with no problems after the numerous refusals from their clinics of legit scripts

Seriously, the answers and proof of preferential treatment is literally a phone call away .. ask the right questions and you have your proof, just get it on a recording

I will show you the door, you gotta walk through it ... I'm not doing it for you

I got no pony in this race
Calling them would once again lead me to hearsay. Unless HC has actually made a statement stating this, it's he said she said
Yes ... A doctor who has taken me from being in an electric wheelchair, unable to control my legs let alone stand, to now being able to ride a bicycle

So this means what my doctor told me is not to be trusted?

Let alone all I did was relay what I was told in the many discussions my doc and I get into when he's poking those damn needles into my spine ... so that means you're justified in attacking me?

Dude, I feel bad that you have this outlook that everyone is out to get you or feed you lies ... honestly, I posted info from what I have garnered over the years and you're being all high and mighty about what I said as well as just overall being argumentative and looking for a fight tells me you're like that dude in that movie who was at the party to drink and fight and he was all out of beer

Kiddies table shite dude, grow up
Every doctor I have ever had has lied to my face. Some have caused permanent damage through negligence and malpractice. I don't trust anything any one of them says and I trust nothing they do. I get you think you're doctor is a god, but I went from wheelchair to mobile too - and was abused by the medical system the entire time. I think you are doing a huge disservice to yourself if you blindly follow any doctor. Check out my newest article at titled CMA to understand exactly what doctors think of your cannabis use and why they think they need to control what you do.
What would the declaration of truth do? I am not familiar with that. And glad to hear she signed for you.
My doc more or less just dismissed me I felt. In fact I felt bad for asking which I should not. And unless we all read thru these forums, one has no idea of the questions to ask or what options are avail to us.

My doctor left a release page on the desk two weeks ago, this week I asked if another doctor would sign the Health Canada paperwork because he obviously is not interested in helping me. He told me to go back to my first doctor who unfortunately is retired and in Nova Scotia. I am in Ontario. He said he gave the paperwork to the front desk because he had never seen it before. He took the release to the front desk and asked for two weeks to have it gone over. He is my new doctor after changing clinics to be closer to home. He reacted only after I threatened to go to another doctor. He seemed surprised when I said all his signature is stating is that I am prescribed 4 grams a day of THC. That is all he is admitting to. I should not have to go and pay for this, I have paid in pain, I qualify and I deserve it. He has not actually prescribed any THC for me as of yet, the last prescription is still in force. Maybe when he fills out the new LP forms I will bring out the other paperwork again, highlight the part that says the same thing as he just signed, paperclip $20.00 to it and see if he will sign. I just learned this is a repetitive concern.
Good site. Any other ideas?
My doctor left a release page on the desk two weeks ago, this week I asked if another doctor would sign the Health Canada paperwork because he obviously is not interested in helping me. He told me to go back to my first doctor who unfortunately is retired and in Nova Scotia. I am in Ontario. He said he gave the paperwork to the front desk because he had never seen it before. He took the release to the front desk and asked for two weeks to have it gone over. He is my new doctor after changing clinics to be closer to home. He reacted only after I threatened to go to another doctor. He seemed surprised when I said all his signature is stating is that I am prescribed 4 grams a day of THC. That is all he is admitting to. I should not have to go and pay for this, I have paid in pain, I qualify and I deserve it. He has not actually prescribed any THC for me as of yet, the last prescription is still in force. Maybe when he fills out the new LP forms I will bring out the other paperwork again, highlight the part that says the same thing as he just signed, paperclip $20.00 to it and see if he will sign. I just learned this is a repetitive concern.
Good site. Any other ideas?
pm sent
Damn sorry to read on the troubles people are having to try to get legal.
A lot of doctors are not educated on illness with mj use.
Like my doctor...I proved to my doctor that mj is the only thing that helps me with my illnesses.
Lots of talks...
Multiple of pee samples to see what you are taking will help prove your case.
My doctor knows I only use mj and only take vitamins and herbal meds.

Once the doctor signs the only thing that will not make you legal is if you been arrested for mj crimes.
Have to wait 10 years and not get arrested for any mj related things to be able to grow your own.
Once the doctor signs the only thing that will not make you legal is if you been arrested for mj crimes.
Have to wait 10 years and not get arrested for any mj related things to be able to grow your own.

That is only for designated growers, you can get a license to grow your own even with conviction or Marc Emery (and numerous other people) would not currently be legal.
See the above post

I'm not responsible for anyone but myself ... I will pass on info but I wont spoon feed you

And constant personal attacks doesnt endear me to wanting to help you let alone get involved with a slug like Turmell
personal attacks? where? i ask for the info you claimed to have and you refuse it. i have asked a few times yet you say you've given it. i show you where it's impossible for us to look at and you go silent.
Slug like Turmel..?? what has he done to you? very curious but as with the other questions, i don't think you will answer
Dienowk I was just approved for 5 gr a day and 25 plants. Paperwork in the mail as we speak.
You are a man of your word. I really appreciate your input. Go buy a lottery ticket.

gb is the one who put me onto that place, the person I referred also had a super quick processing and the medical document arrived within a few days. Nothing beats growing your own.
Yes, the medical document comes in the mail very quickly. You still have to register with HC and fill out their stupid paperwork. I just do not want you to think you are finished and sit on that paperwork for a few weeks like I did. :oops:
Yes, I do need the original to send in with my paperwork. My part is all filled out. I will buy a half letter size envelope at the Post Office and mail it asap. Does registration take anything beyond their form?