James bean company

you were specifically told you couldn't pay by cc?

, did you get a tracking # on your sent payment?

If you get screwed, it will be the first time I've seen mention of it on a few different forums, NOTHING but good reviews in every forum search I've done so far (multiple boards).

us mail is the least trustworthy link in this chain, trust me, they have "stolen", I mean "lost", a whole lot of my important things over the last 30-35 years, and I ain't talking about seeds, money, or birth/death certificates, I mean important shit and this was before tracking. Ever heard of the dead letter office?

Anyway, I digress, I'd bet your safe and if you lose, it's not because of anything JBCo did or did not. Just hold out next time til cc is available and you'll get what you buy, period.

he may be gettin fucked over every time we/anybody mention on these forums that cc is currently available. I may have very well fucked him and you by saying out loud here that my cc was accepted and now he has to totally fuckin rearrange such methods.
Yes, was told exactly what I posted regarding payment methods.
Yes I kept records, if anyone other than JB cashes it I'll know.
And if it doesn't arrive at JB today, I'll void the MO and start over.
my luck I would void the mo and it would show up the same day!
I hope it works out, I am sure it will
I was considering a trip to the post office, then JB emailed stating it had arrived.
The very first time I ordered beans, I mailed cash to a different company years ago in Canada.
It took me a month to get those seeds back from Vancouver Island, and it was the post offices' complete failure.
James Bean are solid. I have ordered from them a few times, but I am especially impressed this time. I preordered dread bread from Bodhi, and I still got my order delivered in less than ten days.
Is that new? Keep us posted.

I've only sprouted 3 of my ssdd from bodhi and at least one is male and stinks. Gonna save some pollen.

Been trying to find more info and can't. May have to look into that dread bread or another bodhi strain. Also wanna pick up some tga and have noticed that stock has increased since I last looked
Dreadbread is one of Bodhi's new Landrace f1 crosses. In this case Mango Biche Colombian X Old Mother Ghani. There is more info and pics in the Bodhi thread. I will put some up when I run it, but it will be a little while before I pop them.
I really need to give a big thank you to the James Bean Company. I placed three orders in the last month, all of them arrived within three days, and they've been really good to me on freebies. I highly recommend them.

Order #1
Gobbstopper by Alphakronik Genes
Freebie (Cookie Killer by Archive Seeds)

Order #2
Rip City Purps by Alphakronik Genes
Freebie (Early Bird by Vashon Seed and Mercantile)
Rip City Purps.jpg

Order #3
Pandora's Box by TGA Seeds
Freebie (Maui Magilla Glue by Sticky Finger Seeds)
Pandoras Box 2.jpg
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I really need to give a big thank you to the James Bean Company. I placed three orders in the last month, all of them arrived within three days, and they've been really good to me on freebies. I highly recommend them.

Order #1
Gobbstopper by Alphakronik Genes
Freebie (Cookie Killer by Archive Seeds)
View attachment 4175376

Order #2
Rip City Purps by Alphakronik Genes
Freebie (Early Bird by Vashon Seed and Mercantile)
View attachment 4175377

Order #3
Pandora's Box by TGA Seeds
Freebie (Maui Magilla Glue by Sticky Finger Seeds)
View attachment 4175378

The service is insanely good. Literally 3 days later the package is on your doorstep.
Is JBC seeds and James Bean Company 1 and the same? Site froze on me at checkout and now I can't get back to the site. I keep getting a server error.