ganga girls northern grow

lol. First thing I looked at in your pic was the leave situation on the tree in the shot. It amazes me how far ahead in Fall you are vs. here. Looks like you already passed peak colors up there, and we have two weeks until we get to peak.

I am still assuming my big girl is 2-3 weeks behind yours, based on our timing to date.

Looks great, as usual!
lol. First thing I looked at in your pic was the leave situation on the tree in the shot. It amazes me how far ahead in Fall you are vs. here. Looks like you already passed peak colors up there, and we have two weeks until we get to peak.

I am still assuming my big girl is 2-3 weeks behind yours, based on our timing to date.

Looks great, as usual!
We are not past peak...that Is just the apple tree lol
I find this odd..... Every yr I have a lot of fading of the leaves.
This yr other then the stupid sativa clone, none of my leaves are yellowing. I don't know if that is a good thing yet or bad....
My LA Confidential is still dark green. It’s just starting to ramp up throwing yellow leaves. I have noticed that the OG leaves are lightening up, but that plant is winning the race. I would think that means super healthy plants.