Cannaventure seeds thread

Very nice, yours a far ahead of mine in maturity for only being 3 or 4 days difference.
What light are you running, maybe I need me one of those?
I was thinking the same thing about yours being ahead of mine when they were only a couple of weeks old. I am running 600w hps.Your AST look almost identical to mine
Mine just popped it's first pistils, so I'm behind you guys. Kind of cool CV is dropping these next Friday and we all three, already have them in flower.
Both look just like the one I let go. The fans were slightly wider but same structure and it seemed to take forever to finish.

I'm jelly of that glistening gem Eso found :wink:

And I just noticed in the GP thread @main cola has an exceptional looking cut too.

Stretch be damned...I'm germing the rest of mine!
I would pop them! The 2 beans I gave my brother are looking good outdoor in central cali as well.
Sorry i can't help you there. The 1980's was hard on the old sniffer. Maybe @slow drawl
can help you with that.
Haha...that's a maybe for sure. I was altering my senses thru the 70s into the mid 80s.
I'm not very good at picking out the nuances, the scrawny one seems sweet with a kinda berry floral sorta smell.
The bushier one has the same scent, milder with a hint of like rubber tire in there.
Gotta say the scrawny one reminds me a lot of the LVTK in structure and frost.