Greenpoint seeds!!

How about a GPS related picture.
The Deputy...pretty sure she'll be the first to get the chop in the GH._DSC3493.JPGShe's got a sweeter kinda fruity smell and less chem than the one I finished indoor.
Also way frostier and quite a bit bushier.
My little indoor deputy was a dream to trim, and I've already went through all of it._DSC2586-crop.JPG
lol,s1 ahole sounds right...
sorry to derail the thread fellas,carry on
Sounds like two versions of the same story got posted. You only know the one you read.

Sucks that the situation is a common thread in our community. There are good and bad pirates. Some bad pirates might have gotten us to where we are but things are changing now. Things are becoming civilized, the shadiness will always be around but hopefully soon it'll be harder to encounter.
Yeah that's def strange for sure. I'm stumped too. I've been reading looking for other examples and cant find any lol. Can you post a pic of the clone herming

Sorry it took a couple of days to get the pics. Was letting them grow out after I had picked all the larger balls off.20180918_154327.jpg

Here is one of the balls. @ShyGuru I had two males that I culled, but I didn't take any cuts off of them. It's no big deal, just trying to figure out what I did wrong. I'm thinking either PH swing stress, or maybe even stress from being topped so many times.
Did it end up being stretchy and tall?
I want to run cackleberry indoors but don't want to deal with a lot of stretch.
Maybe flip em a week after going into 1 gal pots?
Or I could go from solo straight to 3 gallon bag.


Short strains are so much easier to manage.
I also just finished up a Cackleberry limited extra room so I only dropped 3 seeds only one female, it stayed pretty short & bushy, stretched 1/2 original size, needed support, stems were noodley even with silicone, mine is very fruity smelling kind of a blueberry fuel, perhaps I flowered her to long it's not a wake & bake by any means...
Well I'm very butt hurt! It's been over a week and not a single seed has sprouted! I normally and consistently get at least 95% success rate when germinating my beans! So im possitive that it isnt my methods to blame, ibe done atleast 100 beans or more in the past! I've contacted GPS to see if it's possible to have gotten a bad or old batch! Hopefully we can make this right! The strain was eagle scout!
I did get a bad pack of Cackleberry, seeds were very small and would not sprout, gps sent me a replacement, sounds like it was an older lot packaged before they got the seed sorter...
forever. Or as long as they get water, lol. Ive started flowering from seed all GPS strains, that long flower time don't sting so bad then hehe.
So, dreamcatcher and blizzardbush look like they're going to continue to throw new hairs forever. Around 77 days, now.

Anyone that's grown dc, how long did you let her go and was that long enough, too long, etc? Thanks in advance!
i ran one Dreamcatcher past 80 just to see, it was still tossing white and also self seeded I ended up with about 10seeds, never seen the male sack but it must been there...
He admitted it on the thread.Said he took an s1 and got the clone and made mob seeds with it.not much else to say about that.
think there both clowns and openly said it on the forum.i was the first one that said it.i dont ever take sides in nothing I just tell it the way I see it.
Not sure where the conflict is coming from. Heisen, it seems you think he is a "clown"? Not sure what that has to do with genetics or breeding.

KRK is a skilled breeder and a straight shooter. He is the opposite of a clown and has put great genetics in a lot of people's hands. He is a very serious guy, as are many people who have risked their freedom for years to work with the plant.

You might not like him, but that doesn't change or take away from his accomplishments with cannabis.
I know people that fill greenhouses with his gear, each year beating out all the new hot challengers.
The guy doesn't claim to have created MOB if that is what this is about, but he can put hands on the original clone whenever he wants it, and has worked the line probably more than anyone in the community today.
Why don't you take it down a notch?
Attacking a stranger on the net who you will never know over nothing when he isn't even here is beneath all of us.

He is no longer "in the game" but he's around, and I wouldn't trade one Krk for a hundred Heisengrows.
You know if they put an oz or qp or whatever it was in that tomb all those yrs ago , there was big emphasis on growing and breeding cannabis, we'll never know to what extent, but with the time folks had on there hands in those days it could possibly exceed the levels of interest we have today. When somebody set in to work on something back in those days they were in it for the long haul. Mentioning seeds of Africa, what has happened to Afropips, I went to pick up some landraces from them and its like they don't exist.
You hit the nail on the head. We can't even fathom the level of attention and detail the ancient committed to everything they did. The artistry of 3,000 years ago blows anything today's artist are putting out. Modern science can't help us figure out Romans cement mixes or Chinese bronze mixes both 3,000 years old etc.

We're currently living in what I like to call a "reverse renaissance"
I did get a bad pack of Cackleberry, seeds were very small and would not sprout, gps sent me a replacement, sounds like it was an older lot packaged before they got the seed sorter...
That's the same thing gu has done for me unfortunately not a single one of my eagle scout sprouted out of soil but gu has sent me a replacement of a different cookies cross! I've never had any issue before with any if his gear so I'm guessing this is a very rare occurrence and the fact that I'm getting a replacement basically makes everything all good!
damn I can't keep up with this
I have 3 things to say about the last 10 pages or so

1 SHIPPING if you only want 1 shipping charge then add all reg packs and auction packs in cart, then buy. If you want to snipe auctions 1 at a time then you pay shipping on each win. Not hard to understand.

2 Cap Mac it is wrong to f2 seeds that breeder is selling, if you use a male or fem crossed to something else that is completely fair in my book.

3 MOB I was giving the MOB clone, but after seeing the grows of her I tossed her. I have no time to trim that leafy bitch.

Just my thoughts on things. carry on.
damn I can't keep up with this

2 Cap Mac it is wrong to f2 seeds that breeder is selling, if you use a male or fem crossed to something else that is completely fair in my book.

Just my thoughts on things. carry on.
I didnt make the mac f2s they were given to me. And I highly doubt theres one person in here if I said hey do you want a pack of mac f2s for free to throw in your collection. Every person in here would say sure. I dont get why this is even being discussed