Hurricane Florence

What you originally posted said different. I read an article. Not a graph. Try cherry picking more carefully.

And then write word salad that actually supports your link. ;-)
If you want to disagree with the facts I post, I'll be glad to slap you down.

Now, to repeat your lesson of the day, ignorant racist white man,

100-73 = 27

I know you can't understand this, memorize it.
Poor poor fogdog. No one is listening to you.
To reiterate.

Denying white privilege exists is the denial of facts. People who deny this kind of fact are wrong and racist.

mmmkay? Did I make this simple enough for you?

Now then, go back to bilking aged people by selling grams because they can't afford anything else and claim to be doing them a favor.

What are you going to do if your live-in girlfriend doesn't make rent? Are you going to throw her out onto the street?

What a scumbag.
To reiterate.

Denying white privilege exists is the denial of facts. People who deny this kind of fact are wrong and racist.

mmmkay? Did I make this simple enough for you?

Now then, go back to bilking aged people by selling grams because they can't afford anything else and claim to be doing them a favor.

What are you going to do if your live-in girlfriend doesn't make rent? Are you going to throw her out onto the street?

What a scumbag.

Lol. You are a childish clown and everyone knows it.

You slander with and for no reason but your own fragile bruised ego.

I haven’t disputed one issue you have brought up.

I just highly disagree with the media, the actual agenda of our polititions and the current extreme left hysterical world is ending panic attack.

And I talked to you in the beginning. You are an egomaniac who really doesn’t know much. And you have little respect for others opinions and values.

And you keep repeating and attacking with the same dumb argument. And to anyone who keeps posting whether or not you are right or they agree.

And when someone doesn’t agree exactly with your canned Democratic position you accuse them of being some kind of enemy to the people.

I do it to you and your 2 buddies here and you all have a hysterical fit that will bleed over into tomorrow.

Lol. You are a childish clown and everyone knows it.

You slander with and for no reason but your own fragile bruised ego.

I haven’t disputed one issue you have brought up.

I just highly disagree with the media, the actual agenda of our polititions and the current extreme left hysterical world is ending panic attack.

And I talked to you in the beginning. You are an egomaniac who really doesn’t know much. And you have little respect for others opinions and values.

And you keep repeating and attacking with the same dumb argument. And to anyone who keeps posting whether or not you are right or they agree.

And when someone doesn’t agree exactly with your canned Democratic position you accuse them of being some kind of enemy to the people.

I do it to you and your 2 buddies here and you all have a hysterical fit that will bleed over into tomorrow.

To reiterate.

Denying white privilege exists is the denial of facts. People who deny this kind of fact are wrong and racist.

mmmkay? Did I make this simple enough for you?

Now then, go back to bilking aged people by selling grams because they can't afford anything else and claim to be doing them a favor.

What are you going to do if your live-in girlfriend doesn't make rent? Are you going to throw her out onto the street?

What a scumbag.
To reiterate.

Denying white privilege exists is the denial of facts. People who deny this kind of fact are wrong and racist.

mmmkay? Did I make this simple enough for you?

Now then, go back to bilking aged people by selling grams because they can't afford anything else and claim to be doing them a favor.

What are you going to do if your live-in girlfriend doesn't make rent? Are you going to throw her out onto the street?

What a scumbag.

See what I’m saying. Only you 3 think that’s clever. Sorry your ego is so fragile.
Catagory 1. Yeah storm of a lifetime. Rush called it two days ago. You all fall for the scare tactics every time. Puppets on the left....

Florence Death Toll Rises To 23 As Rivers Continue To Flood In N.C. And S.C.

How many of these people would be alive today if Rush hadn't "called it"? We'll never know because the dead can't talk. Still, Rush is an asshole.

What about your fellow atheist Ted Kaczynski? Should I be worried you'll send bombs in the mail?
Who said anything about me being an atheist? And no you shouldn’t. Should I be worried about you raping and killing women and children? I have not once blamed you for the genocide have I? I’ve asked you to express your thoughts on the fact that Buddhist monks are promoting it, in the context of a Buddhist. The last post was a statement like yours was, no different. Just another army of Buddhist’s
Who said anything about me being an atheist? And no you shouldn’t. Should I be worried about you raping and killing women and children? I have not once blamed you for the genocide have I? I’ve asked you to express your thoughts on the fact that Buddhist monks are promoting it, in the context of a Buddhist. The last post was a statement like yours was, no different. Just another army of Buddhist’s

That’s as scary as an angry mob of extreme lefties. ;-)
That’s as scary as an angry mob of extreme lefties. ;-)
Or righties, didn’t one of the righties actually kill a bunch of people? That’s way scarier I think than the lefties. I guess it’s better for the righties to just forget those things huh.
And just for the record I’m not a lefty or a righty kind of guy. I’m more of a “your ok, your not”, person. If you support an asshole then you kind of are an asshole.
Or righties, didn’t one of the righties actually kill a bunch of people? That’s way scarier I think than the lefties. I guess it’s better for the righties to just forget those things huh.
And just for the record I’m not a lefty or a righty kind of guy. I’m more of a “your ok, your not”, person. If you support an asshole then you kind of are an asshole.

I too form opinions about people based on themselves and their actions rather than their personal beliefs.

I thought the winking emoji would show I was just picturing a bunch of intellectuals and artists and glasses wearing nerds like me forming an army.

What you originally posted said different. I read an article. Not a graph. Try cherry picking more carefully.

And then write word salad that actually supports your link. ;-)
Obviously there is still a huge disparity so that’s a problem right? Why the arguing over 3% when in fact it’s a huge indicator of something wrong. Are you saying there are no issues with pay disparity? And you should buy a waterproof case, just sayin.
Obviously there is still a huge disparity so that’s a problem right? Why the arguing over 3% when in fact it’s a huge indicator of something wrong. Are you saying there are no issues with pay disparity? And you should buy a waterproof case, just sayin.
I don't think he understands what he's saying much less the inane complaint that I posted results from different reports. They all say the same basic thing and he just says bbbbut that number isn't the same. No wonder he couldn't hold down a job his whole life.
Obviously there is still a huge disparity so that’s a problem right? Why the arguing over 3% when in fact it’s a huge indicator of something wrong. Are you saying there are no issues with pay disparity? And you should buy a waterproof case, just sayin.

And never disputed the disparity. I thought the article he posted clearly said 15%.

Then 5% for another minority and 10 for another. Then they were added together. And the article was disputing the 25%.

So now we get a different graph.

His posts are about his ego not the problem.