Greenpoint seeds!!

I'm not sure , but i think what he was saying is that Dutchmasters Reverse is just to straighten out sexual confusion in the plant. I took it that he meant Reverse was a totally different product than GA3 ,STS, or CS. That old thread says there is no hormones in it , Just dilute nutrients. Idk I've never used it or seen it in person, I'm still trying to figure what it's all about. I think I'll get some so I can see for myself. Oh and its supposed to be used with something else, just a wetting agent I believe.
Usually it’s ethelyne they use
I dont think its a hormoone in the product, but the product enters the plant and breaks down into a natural plant hormone ethylene, and that gasses off quickly after making corrections. The gas/compounds are used regularly on many food crops like pineapples and tomatoes. it works like a pro. if concerned dont consume the first gen of the corrected plant, pussies
Yeah Florel and other growth regulator products most definitely use hormones or compounds that affect hormone regulation.
Gotta say I really enjoy your input and knowledge in this forum, with all the know it alls and whiney puthies around i always enjoy reading your posts and wish I had the time and patience you do to invest in helping everyone you do. Even the unappreciative dummies I constantly see picking fights with someone clearly much more knowledgeable and clearly smarter then most I see here.
I dont think its a hormoone in the product, but the product enters the plant and breaks down into a natural plant hormone ethylene, and that gasses off quickly after making corrections. The gas/compounds are used regularly on many food crops like pineapples and tomatoes. it works like a pro. if concerned dont consume the first gen of the corrected plant, pussies
Or you can just grow good genetics that dont herm. Or if alot of stuff still herms then more than likely its grower error.
If you have a hermie prone plant that has been treated with one of these products and it does correct it, can you then seed that plant out with good results or will it still pass that trait on to the progeny?
Today I pinched off the first bud rot of the season. :shock: :o:finger:

Apparently my improvised shelter has a few leaks.

We get one more day of decent weather, then 6 more days of rain. :wall:

I'm tempted to push the limit on height and bring in a few of the shorter plants.
If I attach the bat wings directly to the ceiling, I can flower 7 footers indoors and still have about 14 inches of space between bulbs and bud tips.
Gotta have some serious airflow to keep temps in check.

Could be interesting... :eyesmoke:
Chunky, long time no talk bro.

But yes, she was very stretchy and OG like in structure. Lanky branches laying everywhere.

I have dropped my scrog net and traditional methods of using LST and instead converted to simple tomato cages, and to be honest this was the best choice I ever made. I didn't put the cages on the plants until I transfered them to the flower room, it was kinda aggravating sliding the cages over the plants but once they are on, from there you can use nylon string and tie the plants in whatever direction you need to the cages, I can reduce the height of a plant by half using the cages. They are also very cheap and reusable. If you have height issues like myself, I suggest giving tomato cages a try. I just use the simple circular ones that has 3 legs.

From now on though I will place the cages on the plants while they are small and train them to the cages as they grow instead of waiting to put them on after the plants have matured. Cackleberry is a very fast finishing plant with a very uplifting and "get shit done" type of high. I have another Cackleberry going as well and its a different pheno, much shorter and stockier branching than the first and also has some sweet notes to the nose unlike the one I just harvested that had straight fuel terps.

I would say your okay to give her a run Chunky.

I have 2 Copper Chems in flower right now as well and man one of them smells like sticking your nose to a fresh bottle of pinesol. I have ran tons of strains that smell like pine cleaner in my last 17 years of growing but never have I had one this damn rank... The pinesol smell is so strong I just can't even grasp to believe it... I bet she will be insanely potent!
Man, you need to get help. I am currently in Seed buyers" rehab. You should do the same.
You need time to reflect on all of your past "bad pack" purchases. lol
The only truly shitty seeds I've bought were 'Jupiter & Beyond' by cult classics -- but they replaced them, so all is well.

Assuming the replacements don't suck.
I haven't ran them yet... :roll:
I got these lovelies in the magic box today..... I'll probably nvr get to them.
View attachment 4200404
not Cap approved, from IG:

Using someone elses work to try and get more followers is not cool.
I have f2s of lots of other peoples work. Do you know where they stay? In my fridge for preservation. I would never work someone elses line to sell or give away. That's just how I learned it.
I'm not even a breeder but I still follow the growers code of ethics that I learned from those who were doing it before me. I wonder if some people just don't know that this is a shitty thing to do because they haven't been around long enough?

As an older dude, who has been at this for a long time, I would like to inform the new kids that making f2s of someone elses work for yourself is super cool, but making them to whore out is not, EVEN if you bought them (for all the people who insist that if they bought them they can do whatever they want with them). That's how I learned it, and this is me passing the torch to anyone who wants to take it.


My name is capulator and I approve this message.