The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

It's not looking good for the GOP in november, things are piling up on Donald, he's freaking out bigly and could strike out at anytime with damaging words and actions. The republican congress's failure in their constitutional duties to check and hold to account a president who is unable to fulfil the duties of office and is unfit mentally and morally to lead, will have consequences. The GOP is in the complete thrall of Donald Trump and the 30%+ of the voters who are the worst and least patriotic of Americans. Many of Trump's base are simply stupid, others have their minds so warped by fear, hatred and prejudice that they are more than willing to fuck themselves at the polls and regularly do. Hillary called them deplorables, I just think they are assholes, it's a more down to earth term and better describes them.

Maybe that blue wave might be a Blue Tsunami with the senate up for grabs too, Mitch seemed real worried talking about it on TV yesterday. Ya never know a hundred seat shift in the house is possible along a 2 seat or more democratic majority in the senate. It's about 55 days until election day with shoes dropping and new shit coming out daily, Mueller hasn't said a fucking word yet or leaked a thing, perhaps he doesn't need to. Things are going from bad to worse for the GOP congress this election, what do you expect, Donald is leading them and with his base of morons he has near total power over them...
Midterm elections: Democrats hold 14-point lead in battle for the House, poll says

WASHINGTON – Democrats hold a 14-point lead over Republicans in the battle for the U.S. House, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released Wednesday.

The poll of 1,038 voters showed that Americans preferred Democratic candidates for Congress over GOP candidates by 52 percent to 38 percent. Democrats were boosted by independent voters, who favored them over Republicans by 50 percent to 35 percent.

As in most polls, the results revealed a gender gap. Men narrowly favored Democrats over Republicans by six percentage points, 48 percent to 42 percent, while women favored Democrats over Republicans by 20 percentage points, 55 percent to 35 percent.

White voters were split, with 48 percent favoring Republicans and 45 percent supporting Democrats. Black voters overwhelmingly preferred Democrats to Republicans, 84 percent to 7 percent. Latino voters also favored Democrats over Republicans, 64 percent to 22 percent.

The one thing most voters agreed on: Congress is doing a bad job. Nearly three-quarters of the voters surveyed – 72 percent – said they disapproved of Congress.

"Could the 'blue wave' become a tsunami?" said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. "There are a lot of factors, and eight weeks of campaigning, that make up the answer to that question. Whoever wins, they're going into a Congress with an abysmal approval rating."

Congress should be more of a check on President Donald Trump, according to 58 percent of voters. However, while Democrats and independents want the legislative branch to rein in the president, Republicans strongly disagreed. Among GOP voters, 62 percent said Congress is already doing enough to check Trump, while 11 percent said lawmakers need to do more.

A majority of voters – 58 percent – said they do not want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump. That result helps explain why most Democratic candidates have avoided talking about impeachment.

The poll had some rare good news for the press.

A majority of voters trust the news media more than Trump to tell the truth about important issues – 54 percent to 30 percent. However, Republicans trust Trump more by an overwhelming 72 percent to 12 percent.

Most Americans, 69 percent, said they believe the news media is an important part of democracy. A minority of voters, 21 percent, said the media is "the enemy of the people," a phrase often used by Trump to blast the press.

The poll was conducted from Sept. 6-9 and has a margin of error of about 4 percentage points in either direction.
Donald Trump: The Storm Before The Storm
Stephen warns people in the path of Hurricane Florence to stay safe, while reminding the president that Stormy Daniels is headed right for him.

Donald can't be too happy about this, sounds like Paulie is gonna squeal like a pig. Trump might have another twit shit this weekend, between Flynn, Cohen, Manafort and everybody else who's gonna roll over on him (including several lawyers) it looks like Donald is fucked. Wonder if Trump will be an unindicted co conspirator, the heat just got turned up several notches for Donald, Don Jr and Kushner. Mueller is gonna bleed this fucker white and Paulie will spend many an hour playing "This is your life" with the Mueller team, in the end Mueller will know it all and so will you.

The GOP congress is like a hostage in the backseat of a dilapidated car traveling at high speed on a dangerous road being driven with wild abandon by a reckless lunatic on a date with doom. The left front wheel has just flown off and the crazed desperate driver in pressing down harder on the accelerator... 55 days until the election and Donald ain't done making bad news for the GOP by a long shot.

Paul Manafort pleads guilty, cooperates with DOJ
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has plead guilty to two charges in federal court and is cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller's office.
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Donald can't be too happy about this, sounds like Paulie is gonna squeal like a pig. Trump might have another twit shit this weekend, between Flynn, Cohen, Manafort and everybody else who's gonna roll over on him it looks like Donald is fucked. Wonder if Trump will be an unindicted co conspirator, the heat just got turned up several notches for Donald, Don Jr and Kushner.

The GOP congress is like a hostage in the backseat of a dilapidated car traveling at high speed on a dangerous road being driven with wild abandon by a reckless lunatic on a date with doom. The left front wheel has just flown off and the crazed desperate driver in pressing down harder on the accelerator...

Paul Manafort pleads guilty, cooperates with DOJ
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has plead guilty to two charges in federal court and is cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller's office.
And according to Trump supporter Alan Dershowitz Trump can't pardon
Manafort either because if he did Manafort can still be forced to testify
Today is a great day toward the end of a huge mistake
And according to Trump supporter Alan Dershowitz Trump can't pardon
Manafort either because if he did Manafort can still be forced to testify
Today is a great day toward the end of a huge mistake
Donald's demise will be spectacular, he'll fight until the last elephant lies dead in the dust. I figure he'll go with a whimper when the time comes, he has no real courage or leadership ability and does not inspire loyalty. If he could, he'd run to russia on AF1, but I'm not sure if Vlad will want him and the heat and stupid that goes along with him. His propaganda value would be his control of millions of American morons and that would be appealing to Vlad, but not worth the cost I should think.

I think if the GOP take a shit kicking in the midterms and lose the whole ball of wax, they might take Donald with them on the way out of Washington, there would be enough lame ducks in the house to impeach and if the senate goes democratic a few GOP senators might go independant. Donald will probably do something stupid and dramatic between the election and january and force the issue, they would do Donald out of spite, not patriotism..
Donald's demise will be spectacular, he'll fight until the last elephant lies dead in the dust. I figure he'll go with a whimper when the time comes, he has no real courage or leadership ability and does not inspire loyalty. If he could, he'd run to russia on AF1, but I'm not sure if Vlad will want him and the heat and stupid that goes along with him. His propaganda value would be his control of millions of American morons and that would be appealing to Vlad, but not worth the cost I should think.

I think if the GOP take a shit kicking in the midterms and lose the whole ball of wax, they might take Donald with them on the way out of Washington, there would be enough lame ducks in the house to impeach and if the senate goes democratic a few GOP senators might go independant. Donald will probably do something stupid and dramatic between the election and january and force the issue, they would do Donald out of spite, not patriotism..
I like the way you think (:
Mimi Rocah: Mueller Made Paul Manafort Plea Deal ‘As Pardon-Proof As Possible’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Former federal prosecutor Mimi Rocah joins to break down Paul Manafort's plea deal and how significant it really is.
Ya never know, he's been spending a lot of time with Pence, "You'll pardon me Mike, right? Sure boss...
If he resigns he will be walking into an indictment the moment Pence is sworn in and with Russians involved, I doubt Pence will risk a pardon. If Trump resigns HE WILL TRY TO PARDON HIMSELF and issue blanket pardons for his family. I can see him riding it out until the midterms, he's not done using up the GOP yet, though I hope the Guy is right about him quitting. If Pence is president the democrats will have him by the balls over a variety of things and he might be useful to a democratic congress. The Pence gay marriage rights act should be his first bill signing, or perhaps an abortion rights bill...

If Trump quits in two weeks you win the D day pool! Mission accomplished...
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Maybe the GOP is looking to avoid a double header after the election with Pelosi as president! Donald would need an incentive to quit, he's gonna go down swinging unless he gets something out of it.
Monologue: Florence and the Ratings Machine | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump's feud with hurricanes and Paul Manafort's plea deal.
New Rule: Scary Socialism | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
In his editorial New Rule, Bill argues that socialism isn't as scary as it sounds and calls on Democrats to ramp up their rhetoric against Trump.
The Most Canadian Marijuana Story Ever
A Canadian pot dispensary is robbed at "bear-spray-point" and old people are hitting new highs.

I'd like to believe this, I just don't see the narcissist in chief giving up that position. But, I can't count on logic anymore, when trying to predict the dotard's next action. I fear a new war, "how can they impeach me when we're in a war and I'm doing a great job?" I would like to see what he Supremes have to say about pardoning oneself, though.
Pence won't survive this either, he was hand picked by Manafort.

We haven't heard anything about Pence, yet. I think there's plenty of dirt to come to the surface about him, too. Just a hunch.
Paul Manafort Must Have ‘Blockbuster Information,’ Says Former. Prosecutor | The Last Word | MSNBC
Glenn Kirschner tells Lawrence O'Donnell why the plea agreement struck by Paul Manafort leads him to conclude that Manafort has "blockbuster information" to share with Robert Mueller in his investigation of Pres. Trump's campaign and Russia.
Paul Manafort Must Have ‘Blockbuster Information,’ Says Former. Prosecutor | The Last Word | MSNBC
Glenn Kirschner tells Lawrence O'Donnell why the plea agreement struck by Paul Manafort leads him to conclude that Manafort has "blockbuster information" to share with Robert Mueller in his investigation of Pres. Trump's campaign and Russia.
You know without good golf weather Trump is losing it , right about now ...EXCELLENT
You know without good golf weather Trump is losing it , right about now ...EXCELLENT
Poor Donald he was a victim of the hurricane effects, I would expect a tweet storm on the weekend, it looks like Paulie is gonna roll over on Fat Donnie. Donald might panic decapitate the DOJ and fire Mueller before the election, he will after the election no matter who wins. Donald might also start a war to distract and try and influence the election...
Paul Manafort Must Have ‘Blockbuster Information,’ Says Former. Prosecutor | The Last Word | MSNBC
Glenn Kirschner tells Lawrence O'Donnell why the plea agreement struck by Paul Manafort leads him to conclude that Manafort has "blockbuster information" to share with Robert Mueller in his investigation of Pres. Trump's campaign and Russia.

Sounds about as ridiculous as Sean Hannity's "tick tocs". You do realize this is exactly what they do so you watch their commercials every ten minutes? This is how they survive or sensationalism like we learned in high school journalism. They got you!