Days since ground-break: 11 days
Number of plants: 2
Lights: (5)26w CFL
Lumens: 1600 (x5 = 8,000)
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temps: 82ºF
Nutes: 0
Welp.. 2 days after tranplant. Actually, I guess a day and a half. They are showing no signs of weakening or despair so I am thinking they are okay.
As far as new growth... Dude, they have too many leafs for me to keep track of. I am not sure where time has gone, or what day they really blew up but boy they sure do grow up fast.
This morning I mounted my webcam on one of the support beams to the box. I have a badass view of my plant now. It's just too bad their lights out time is 11am-5pm.. Thats majority of the time im at work. So I stare at darkness.
#3 is still the type to lift her leafs high... and Charlotte is still the type to hang her leafs low. This has nothing to do with the amount of water, light, wind etc. I have switched sides with them and it means nothing. I am not sure why, but whatevr.. They are who they are!
I will start feeding of nutes this evening when I get home. I leave tomorrow around noon and wont be back until later on Sunday. I will keep the cam on and watch them while Im out of town to make sure they are okay!!
Probably wont have time to keep the journal updated on Saturday or sunday.. So look forward to a big update on Monday!!! YAY!
Welp, lights will be off any second... t-minus 5....4....3.....2....1... and..... and...... okay any second now... anndddd..... (waiting a few seconds patiently).... Hmm.. maybe not? coulda sworn it was 10:55 OH! THEYRE OUT! Sleepy time for my babes.
Now pics:
Charlotte getting her portrait this morning
#3 recovering very well after her MiracleGrow feedball episode
Webcam setup
A shot from the webcam taken just minutes ago