Aussie Growers Thread

Do you take a clone when the plant is at a certain maturity? Or when would it would be a good time?.. the Blackwater and grape og are starting to get some nice under branches that I could cut and get clones going...
Piece of piss
Wet toilet paper wrapped around the stem where they were cut,spray a little water in the glad bag you put the cuts in and put that inside another glad bag then into an Express post bag or use a clone shipper for rooted clones

Exactly what I was thinking.
Last night was fun feel like there is no hangover from it as well ended up falling asleep tho lol around 12 I think lol maybe 2 I feel really good tho get to put my seeds in there pots today planning on using the gen hydro flora series lol I have no idia where my ph pens at gunna get a mh Next week as well