Dying plant please help


Well-Known Member
Have 6 legal plants in mass. I took my buddys mother plant in my garden. And everything looks great except for his plant. Slowly getting worse by the day. Ph in soil was too alkaline but all other plants didnt really seem to care. We just added the carrots to mix in some more acid water to level soil out.20180908_122324.jpg my biggest concert could be root rot and as we have some deep clay. Maybe other plants didnt gett affected because they dont have deep roots.
Have 6 legal plants in mass. I took my buddys mother plant in my garden. And everything looks great except for his plant. Slowly getting worse by the day. Ph in soil was too alkaline but all other plants didnt really seem to care. We just added the carrots to mix in some more acid water to level soil out.View attachment 4196213 my biggest concert could be root rot and as we have some deep clay. Maybe other plants didnt gett affected because they dont have deep roots.

Looks like something got to the roots..
No it is in the ground dig a 4x4 hole and added same soil I added to all my other plants. This one was just that much bigger. I'm guessing it hit bad soil way below the hole I dug. But what would cause my change in PH in the soil. Went from a 6 to a mid 7. I'm guessing right at time of problems. Have plants on either side with no problems. All on same feeding/water schedual.
No it is in the ground dig a 4x4 hole and added same soil I added to all my other plants. This one was just that much bigger. I'm guessing it hit bad soil way below the hole I dug. But what would cause my change in PH in the soil. Went from a 6 to a mid 7. I'm guessing right at time of problems. Have plants on either side with no problems. All on same feeding/water schedual.
I'm not sure but it might be fungal
I have never needed to check ground soil
No it is in the ground dig a 4x4 hole and added same soil I added to all my other plants. This one was just that much bigger. I'm guessing it hit bad soil way below the hole I dug. But what would cause my change in PH in the soil. Went from a 6 to a mid 7. I'm guessing right at time of problems. Have plants on either side with no problems. All on same feeding/water schedual.

Thanks what i am saying, you might have a gopher or a squirrel in the ground eating the tap root. I don't think it is a patch of bad dirt..
One of two things going on here, imo. Either over-watered as the clay-content soil won't percolate water and the plants are wilting from it, or, you planted from seed and yes, the gophers bit into the tap root(s), in which case these plants will most likely not recover. Killing the rodents is too late to fix the problem. Stop watering for 3-days and see if the plants perk back up, or chalk it up as a loss, BUT, after the confirmed plant deaths, do a complete forensic investigation. First, pull up gently on the stalk, if a gopher ate the tap root(s), then the plant should lift up out of the soil quite easily. If the plant doesn't lift, then dig it up and see it there isn't gobs of water sitting on top of that expansive, clay-content soil.
If you do use chicken wire next season, dig a deeper hole and line it with overlapping chicken wire, bottom, sides, and top too. :peace:
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I got 4 plants doing the same shit and dieing,I have tried every thing I know and 4-5 others has looked at them and nun of us have a clue to what is wrong.cut one of them today.