The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Oh, the uneducated actually LIKE that! :lol:

They love the smell of other people's shit.

They sure do lap up Donald's BS, most aren't stupid enough to really believe it, it's just another expression of contempt for the most part. At this point in the game they are treasonous cocksuckers nothing more, the choice in november couldn't be more stark or critical to the survival of the republic. Trump committed treason and the GOP went along for the ride, tried to hide the fact and obstructed justice on matters on national security. It is business of the most serious kind and the republicans failed in their constitutional duties to protect the constitution and as patriots for their failure to protect the country from continued russian attacks on the American electoral system.

The attack by russia is ongoing, and I don't mean to sound alarmist, but they have thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at you as well. That probably means they don't have America's best interest at heart!
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I bet you call Trump a fascist also.
Sure, because he is or I should say wants to be a fascist, but isn't smart enough to succeed, though not from lack of trying. Look up the definition of fascist, Donald fts the bill. Face it most republicans these days are hate filled morons who are too stupid to think that treason is a bad thing or that Trump is a bad person. I don't have any problem calling Trump a fascist, even though he's so damaged, stupid and narcissistic as to be insensible to ideology. It's how we know his supporters are nothing more than racists, the ideology changes daily ( and sometimes in the same sentence) as do the policies, the only consistent thing is the stupidity, racism, lies and hatred. His supporters are more than willing to believe obvious lies and idiotic conspiracy theories, anything but the truth and facts. The truth is most of Trump's base are fear driven racist chicken shits who know they can't compete with the brown folks on a level playing field. They have weighed themselves in the balance and found that they are wanting, thus their rage and resentment.

Definition of fascism
: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
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CNN Key Race Alert: This is the narrow path to a Democratic Senate
By Terence Burlij, CNN
Updated 3:04 AM ET, Mon September 10, 2018

Washington (CNN)There are two months until the midterm elections in November and Democrats still have a narrow path to the Senate majority despite a map that favors Republicans and includes 10 Democratic incumbents running in states President Donald Trump won, five of them by double-digit margins.

The President carried Indiana and Missouri by 19 points each, but a pair of new polls released this week by NBC News/Marist show Democratic Sens. Joe Donnelly and Claire McCaskill waging competitive re-election fights. In a two-way contest, Donnelly leads Republican Mike Braun 49% to 43% in the Hoosier State, while McCaskill and Josh Hawley are locked in a dead heat -- each with 47% -- in the Show Me State.
Another prime target for Republicans is Florida, where Quinnipiac University found Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson and Republican Gov. Rick Scott running even with 49% each after some $37 million in television ads -- roughly half of that by Scott's campaign.
The Blue Wall of Great Lakes states that Trump toppled in November 2016 so far looks to be holding for Democrats in 2018. Sens. Bob Casey (Pennsylvania), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) and Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin) are all favorites for re-election. Of that group, Baldwin appears to have the toughest race, facing a challenge from conservative state Sen. Leah Vukmir.
To be sure, the deep red states where Democratic incumbents are hoping to hang on may play to type and keep the majority out of reach for the party. But if a blue wave crests higher than expected, it could lift Democrats in states that would be all but lost in a more neutral environment.
Author Believes Multiple Grounds For Impeachment | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Professor Allan Lichtman joins Morning Joe to discuss his new book 'The Embattled Vote in America,' and why he believes impeachment is still likely for the president.
Donald is getting down to his hard core base now, his support among independents is down 16 points, gravity has taken hold and Donald is beginning to fall. The GOP congressional leadership is in a perfect storm with 56 days until the midterms and there's worse to come, much worse.

Hey, Donald might even have a government shutdown before the election, he's stupid enough to do anything!

CNN Poll: Trump approval down 6 points in a month, hits low among independents

WASHINGTON (CNN)President Donald Trump's approval rating has fallen 6 points in the last month and stands at a new low among political independents, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

Overall, just 36% approve of the way the President is handling his job, down from 42% in August. Among independents, the drop has been sharper, from 47% approval last month to 31% now. That's 4 points below his previous 2018 low of 35% approval among political independents in CNN polling, and 1 point below his previous all-time low among independents in CNN polling, reached in November 2017.
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Trump is harming the dream of America more than any foreign adversary ever could

By Joe Scarborough
September 10 at 6:42 PM
Cataclysmic events often bring with them violent and abrupt endings to settled ages and long-established norms. Those absorbing the impact of these historical aftershocks rarely grasp the epochal changes in real time.

Who could have imagined during their commute home on the night of Nov. 21, 1963, that an event in Dallas the next day would shake the postwar order guaranteed by America’s victory in World War II? Even after Lee Harvey Oswald’s shots rang out from the Texas School Book Depository, could anyone have foreseen the collapse of such an ordered age soon overtaken by the anarchy of Vietnam, the murders of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy, the race riots, Chicago, Kent State, Watergate, postindustrial rot and the cultural chaos set loose across the country by these events?

And could even the most insightful observer have foreseen — while staring at the billowing smoke set against New York’s brilliant September sky — the avalanche of strategic blunders set in motion by Osama bin Laden’s attack on the United States?

Of course not. But two wars, three presidents and 17 years later, the tragic lessons of that time are still lost on our leaders.

On Sept. 10, 2001, the United States dominated the world stage in a way no other country had since the height of the Roman and British empires. NATO’s long twilight struggle against the Soviet Union ended with Russia in ruins. The Japanese economic miracle, predicted by some to turn America into little more than a granary for Japan, had flatlined. And a rising China was still struggling with a multitude of internal security concerns and was eclipsed on the world stage by the Pax Americana. The United States deployed a dazzling display of both soft- and hard-power assets across the globe.

On the eve of bin Laden’s attacks, America’s gross domestic product was nearly 10 times China’s and 40 times Russia’s. The U.S. military machine was unparalleled, with the Pentagon spending more on national defense than the next 15 countries combined. And despite those staggering outlays, Washington was running a $125 billion surplus.

Seventeen years later, endless wars abroad and reckless policies at home have produced annual deficits approaching $1 trillion. President Trump’s Republican Party will create more debt in one year than was generated in the first 200 years of America’s existence. And while the United States has been mired in endless wars and bloody occupations over the past 17 years, China has used that same period to aggressively develop economic partnerships across Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. Perhaps that is one reason China will soon overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy.

Any discussion of policy failures since 2001 must begin with George W. Bush’s decision to invade Iraq even though no evidence linked Saddam Hussein’s regime to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Even a majority of Senate Democrats voted for a resolution supporting the Iraq invasion, and more than 70 percent of Americans agreed. But we were wrong. That war cost nearly 5,000 American lives, $2 trillion and inestimable damage to America’s credibility across the globe.

The excesses of Bush’s military adventurism led to his successor, President Barack Obama, placing the United States in a defensive crouch for the better part of eight years. The commander in chief defined his foreign policy approach this way: “Don’t do stupid [stuff].” Even Democratic foreign policy experts would quietly complain that their president’s strategic retreat from the world would come at great cost. The ignoring of crossed red lines, the rise of the Islamic State and the deaths of 500,000 Syrians proved Obama’s Democratic critics right.

Sixteen years of strategic missteps have been followed by the maniacal moves of a man who has savaged America’s vital alliances, provided comfort to hostile foreign powers, attacked our intelligence and military communities, and lent a sympathetic ear to neo-Nazis and white supremacists across the globe.

For those of us still believing that Islamic extremists hate America because of the freedoms we guarantee to all people, the gravest threat Trump poses to our national security is the damage done daily to America’s image. As the New York Times’s Roger Cohen wrote the month after Trump’s election, “America is an idea. Strip freedom, human rights, democracy and the rule of law from what the United States represents to the world and America itself is gutted.”

Osama bin Laden was killed by SEAL Team 6 before he accomplished that goal. Other tyrants who tried to do the same were consigned to the ash heap of history. The question for voters this fall is whether their country will move beyond this troubled chapter in history or whether they will continue supporting a politician who has done more damage to the dream of America than any foreign adversary ever could.
How President Donald Trump Harms Dream Of US More Than Foreign Foes | Morning Joe | MSNBC
In his latest Washington Post column, Joe Scarborough reflects on the anniversary of 9/11, writing that Donald Trump 'has done more damage to the dream of America than any foreign adversary ever could.'
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